how to replace anti-virus

Discussion in 'Software' started by texasharper, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. texasharper

    texasharper Corporal

    Is it ok to uninstall the previous Anti-virus software before installing the new one?

    I have Avast and was thinking of replacing it with AVG.


    EEEEDIOT Specialist

    yup it's ok. Make sure there are no viruses and stuff on your computer first, though, or else a worm could screw up your computer bad. Besides, most antiviruses tell you to uninstall the old one before installing the new antivirus anyways.

    COMPUABLE First Sergeant

    >> Is it ok to uninstall the previous Anti-virus software before installing the new one? texasharper <<

    Yes, it is OK to do this... Here are the steps to "safely" replace your currently installed avast! with AVG:

    (1) Download AVG installation files (Major Geeks has AVG AntiVirus Free Edition here).
    (2) Close your internet browser program.
    (3) Uninstall avast!

    You can usually uninstall avast! just as any other software - using "Add/Remove Programs" in Control Panel.

    Note: Sometimes it is not possible to uninstall avast! the standard way - using the Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. If any problem appears, use the avast! uninstall utility.

    (4) Very Important: Computer restart will be needed after avast! uninstallation.
    (5) After the computer reboots: Install AVG using the AVG install files (that you downloaded earlier in Step 1)

    Good Luck!
  4. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Not only is it OK, but it is highly recommended.... IMHO, it is mandatory. Running two antivirus programs that both provide active real-time protection is just begging for problems with conflicts.... I say: ALWAYS remove the old virus protection program before installing the new one. This is off topic a bit, but you should look at Avira's AntiVir if you're looking for a new free antivirus utility. It's my personal favorite....

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