How to save in more than one place with M$ WORD??

Discussion in 'Software' started by Jawa Slayer, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. Jawa Slayer

    Jawa Slayer Corporal

    Don't know if it's possible, but sure would be useful... Just want to click save and have the file save in three different locations for backup.
    Any ideas?
  2. Solange

    Solange Sergeant Major

    Go to the menu and select "save as" instead of just "save" and there you can choose where you want to save the document. :)
  3. Jawa Slayer

    Jawa Slayer Corporal

    Thanks for the reply, but unless I'm mistaken, you can't save to more than one place AT THE SAME TIME with Save As, can you? It probably isn't possible, it would just remove the need to save the document three times for each location.
  4. RightGirl

    RightGirl Private First Class

    You could do this....

    Save the doc and close it out
    right click on start
    left click on explore

    find the doc in "my documents" or wherever you saved it
    right click on the doc and left click on "copy"
    then you can left click on each folder you want to save it to and each time you do, right click on that folder and then left click on "paste"

    then you'll have that same document in many different locations, but then you need to remember which one has the original, or you'll be opening those files all over the place and editing them at different times. That will get really confusing.

    Personally, I just keep one copy on my hard drive and then upload it to:

    my account on:
  5. ASUS

    ASUS MajorGeek

    You can also save to Floppy or CD.
    Also can save attach to email & send to ya self.

    Some things I work on I'll create folder on my desktop & save there.
    If ya want multiple copies of the same thing, just create folders with different names, can be as simple as New folder 1 & New folder 2 and so on.
  6. Jawa Slayer

    Jawa Slayer Corporal

    These are good ideas. Thanks for the advice, I REALLY don't need to loose this essay...
    Thanks Guys!

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