how update outofdate directx 9c drivers?

Discussion in 'Software' started by urbmd, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. urbmd

    urbmd Private E-2

    How do I fix the out of date drivers in DXdiag?

    My computer (P4 2.8, winxpsp3, 1gb ram, directx9c, geforce 7600gs (256mb)) has gradually been locking up more and more when playing moderately graphics intensive games (dungeons and dragons online) which it used to run perfectly well (despite my aging machine).

    DXdiag says I have multiple out of date directx drivers, but installing the latest 9c (6/2010 and the autodownload at microsoft) I could find did not change this, nor did updating my forceware from 93.71 to the latest (273 or so). I switched back to 93.71 as the update did nothing but make my other games crash (especially neverwinter nights 2, which was always very forceware picky).

    I am not certain directx is the problem. Maybe winxp needs a full reinstall, but I'd rather not have to go through that.

    Thanks for any help.
  2. iain.t

    iain.t MajorGeek

    When was the last time that you did a fresh install of you OS ?? I like to do one at least every six to eight month, theres nothing better than a fresh install of windows to get that new out of the box feel back again.

    I would go for the fresh install ;), though it is time consuming it's worth it :-D
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    If you run DXDiag and then attach the log in a text file to your next post as per these instructions HOW TO: Attach Items To Your Post [/QUOTE] then we can have a look.

    The out of date drivers are likely to be ones your graphics card maker adds, in some D3D ones etc as your forceware is not latest, but it may not be any issue apart from stating you are using older drivers.

    There are some DirectX uninstallers around but personally they are not worth the risk of using as they dont always work well, so with XP as mentioned I would be inclined to do a nice clean re-install.

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