HP Deskjet 5150

Discussion in 'Software' started by Kemper1989, Mar 18, 2005.

  1. Kemper1989

    Kemper1989 Private E-2

    I lost my software CD for my HP Deskjet 5150, does anyone know where I can download it?
    I checked their website (www.hp.com) but was unable to find it.
  2. Maxwell

    Maxwell Folgers

  3. Kemper1989

    Kemper1989 Private E-2

    I downloaded the drivers and im trying to install them, but my computer can't see the new hardware after I plug the USB Port in. It says "It may take a few minutes for the computer to recognize it" but I know it doesn't take 10 minutes.
  4. Kemper1989

    Kemper1989 Private E-2

    Anyone know how to solve that problem?
  5. Maxwell

    Maxwell Folgers

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