HP dv9700t Question

Discussion in 'Software' started by AnthonyF, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. AnthonyF

    AnthonyF Private E-2

    Hello, my name is Anthony and I am new to MajorGeeks as a member but have used it plenty of times as a information place to find answers to my questions. Sadly however I cannot find an answer to what I want to know this time so I decided to finally join up and ask!

    I am currently looking to purchase a laptop within the 1000 - 1300 dollar range. The HP dv9700t has caught my attention as it is pretty well priced for the performance I am looking for (T9300, 4gb and a decent dedicated video). Any computer I have ever owned has always been built by me and OS installed, drivers, all that jazz on my own. I hate software that I don't first review and install myself which sucks because I know HP is going to load this thing with stuff I don't want.

    So my question to everyone is would it be possible to purchase the laptop and format it, reinstall Windows and also install only the things I want. Can I find drivers so I can have my webcam, mic and finger print scanner working properly? Thanks in advance for any help! I hope to become an active part of this community :D.
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Anthony welcome to the forum

    Hi yes you could re-install Windows so long as you have a full Windows CD/DVD ( depending on version of Windows ) to reinstall with as generally laptops and OEM PCs are supplied only with restore CD/DVD/HD Partition in which to re-install your Windows and all of the pre-installed software with.

    What you could use is DeCrapifier on the new PC and remove mostt if not all of the pre-installed junk, may just need you to manually uninstall some components and delete a few folders but you can get the PC to a barebones state in which you could use an imaging application to take a full snapshot of the bare install ( could install all your favoured applications too ) for later re-install, so you have a backup of your PC with just your favoured applications on, I tend to do this with OEM PCs.
  3. AnthonyF

    AnthonyF Private E-2

    Wow I really like that idea about creating an image, I never thought about that before. I am glad to hear I can do this without to much of a hassle. I have one more question. I currently own a copy of Windows Vista Ultimate which I purchased the OEM version of the DVD. Will I be able to install that onto the laptop if I stop using it on my desktop PC? Can I use the key that comes with the laptop Vista Home Premium with the Vista Ultimate install?
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Yes imaging is a great way to keep a default install, also its a great way to keep your current install and all software secure in that if you have major issues you can recover very easily by reinstalling the current backup image so its as if you never had issues on your PC. Acronis True Image is my favoured software for this, but its not free, but worth the cost, a 15 day demo here for test.

    As for Licences, OEM is different to retail as its only 1 PC install and not transferable unless you have hardware failure and need to reactivate, normally a call to the activation line and describe that you needed to change to a new PC is all thats needed.

    No you cannot use a Home Premium key to install Ultimate, the keys are different.

    So maybe worth cleaning up your new Laptops installed software and creating an image is better option, do not if it comes with Norton, run or allow it to update, uninstall as the first job, unless you wish to keep it past its trail period, so basically first job should be removing all the default added software that HP add before you start really using the PC.

    Great guide here you may wish to read from another of the Admins here on Majorgeeks ~ Adrynalyne on this very subject http://adrynalyne.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!AB9DE24BE9AF1B9F!303.entry
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2008
  5. AnthonyF

    AnthonyF Private E-2

    Thanks a lot for the quick replies and all the information! That's everything I wanted to know. I might be posting more when I actually get the laptop, thanks again.
  6. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Let us know. Don't get discouraged when you open the box up, because its likely to be slower than watching paint dry.

    You can get that machine smoking fast with a little housecleaning.

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