i can not save to favorites

Discussion in 'Software' started by dromano, Sep 15, 2007.

  1. dromano

    dromano Staff Sergeant

    Hi all,
    Is there a limit to how many favorites you can save ? In I E 7 add to favorites - save in folder favorites - save but they do not show up. When i do it again it tells me it is there would i like to overwrite - yes and it is still not there. :confused
    Thanks for any help,
  2. baklogic

    baklogic The Tinkerer

    Sometimes it is not obvious , as the url can display differently- if you go to favourites, and click on organise, they will all show up as text, and, urls, with little pictures, and you can then see how it was saved.
  3. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    Are you going down to the bottom of your Favorites list to see the ones you most recently added? If you're expecting them to appear in the proper alphabetical order, that will not happen once IE Favorites have been manually re-arranged; then, added Favorites will appear at the bottom of the list and you'll need to sort them to get them back into alphabetical order.

    I'm not aware of any limit on the number of Favorites.

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