IBM Think Pad R51 1829 wireless issue

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by cmitchell, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. cmitchell

    cmitchell Private E-2

    IBM Think Pad R51 1829 wireless issue

    I anm using Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002
    Service pack 2
    Intel(r) Pentium (r) M
    1.70 GH
    The only issue is in the hardware that I can find saying that I don't have my
    Network Controller Driver.
    I have downloaded and ran what I think is the proper wireless driver from IBM / Lenova and still I can not detect any wireless connectons
    Even when I go to my computer / network places/ nothing shows up for wireless
    I am at the end of my rope so any help is gretaly appreciated

    have a fantastic day

  2. iain.t

    iain.t MajorGeek

  3. cmitchell

    cmitchell Private E-2

    Hi Carolyn,
    I have found the driver for your wireless card here...

    if this does not work please download speccy ....

    The download link does not work.. Is there anywhere ese I could find this driver to download

    Thank you
  4. iain.t

    iain.t MajorGeek

  5. cmitchell

    cmitchell Private E-2

    I downloaded it,
    It ran and said it installed but I am still not detecting the wireless
    I attached a file with the information from the progrqm in the previous thread

    Thank you so much for all your help.


    Attached Files:

  6. handygal

    handygal First Sergeant

    Your computer knows that it has a network card but you don't have all of the services turned on that you need. I don't want to guess so let me see if I can find an official list of what needs to be running.
  7. cmitchell

    cmitchell Private E-2

    Thank you so:) much,
    The only thing that it shows in the device manager not working
    is the Network Controller driver.
    I could not find that driver anywhere that worked on the Lenova or IBM site
    You guys are fantastic
    Have a great evening..

  8. iain.t

    iain.t MajorGeek

    Hi Carolyn,
    Pleased to hear that the wireless driver issue is fixed ;). I will leave you now in the hands or handygal (no pun intended :-D ) now as she will know about the running processes/services that you need to have turned on.

    iain.t :major
  9. cmitchell

    cmitchell Private E-2

    :cryNo I still do not have wireless
    Handy girl felt that because my log that I added to a previous post showed
    the laptop is showing the wireless card I must have something turned off somewhere causing my issue...
    the darn thing still will not show me even a wireless list in the network area

    thank you guys for being so patient with this issue

  10. iain.t

    iain.t MajorGeek

  11. cmitchell

    cmitchell Private E-2

    I tried istalling service pack 3 and I got a parimiter error andI redowloaded and installed the wireless driver again and still no wireless sadly..

    trying to think what else I can do it seems like its something simple and stupid that I am missing

    Thank you

  12. iain.t

    iain.t MajorGeek

    Hi Carolyn,
    Have you tried to do the service pack install through windows updates?? or directly from MS.

    iain.t :major
  13. cmitchell

    cmitchell Private E-2

    I tried through both.. I am going to try uninstalling it and reinstalling it direct through microsoft better ..just wondering.
    Thank you for your patience

  14. iain.t

    iain.t MajorGeek

    I would always say that it is advisable, wherever you can, is to install software/drivers/and updates directly from the original source,but on the other hand all of the downloads that MG's release for use are very stable and from reliable sources.Don't worry about the length of time it is taking to resolve this issue...WE WILL GET IT FIXED!!! ;)

    iain.t :major
  15. cmitchell

    cmitchell Private E-2

    I did it .. I did it.. I reinstalled windows 3.. this time it went.. Then I downloaded the driver for wireless again and went into the cdrive / drivers and the folder the driver was in.. ran the driver setup and I have internet... God Bless you all..

    I am dancing around the room Wooooo Hoooo making back up discs now :0)..

    Thank you Thank you Thank you....
  16. iain.t

    iain.t MajorGeek

    Hi Carolyn,
    Well done!!!;)!!! Any more issues that you come across please don't hessitate in making a new thread, we are always willing to assist in offering free solutions and advice.

    Best Regards.

    iain.t :major

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