IIS4 NT Authentication won't work on NT Server

Discussion in 'Software' started by 4600cc, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. 4600cc

    4600cc Private E-2

    I'm using Windows NT 4.0 Enterprise Server, with latest service pack, nt option pack, front page 2002 extensions, and windows updates. Everything was installed in correct order and suppose to work.

    My server has two administration sites (default), one on port 9090 and the other in /IISADMIN/ directory of default web site. When I type locations of those in web browser (http://localhost:9090, or localhost/iisadmin), a box asking for user and password appears. I type in my admin user name and password, it lets me in, BUT, browser says web site could not be found, as if I typed incorrect URL into the browser. On my default web site,, if I click administration link, same thing, asks me for identification and then web site not found!

    When I change authentication from Windows NT Challenge to Basic, it works with no problem.

    What's going on? I thought my installation is bad and so I reinstalled everything, and now same thing happening. My install ordere was this: NT 4.0, Network + Services, SP6a, SP6a Patch, IE6sp1, Option Pack, Option Pack Patch, SP6a, SP6a Patch, FrontPage Extensions 2002, FP 2002 Patch, Windows Update. No errors in system log.

    Please help.

  2. Kodo


    here's the deal with IIS. If you set up the sites (plural) IP as ALL UNKNOWN then it has no idea where to go. 2 different sites using the same IP address.. so try using host headers to point to them.
  3. 4600cc

    4600cc Private E-2

    I tried host header names, still won't work. I tried shutting down all web sites but default web site, using host header names at first an then all unassigned, still won't work! Once I change authentication method on IISADMIN virtual directory to Basic from NT Challenge, it works fine.

    Another thing, this one might actually complicate the answer to my problem, SSL won't work. I created Key using Certificate Server, key to server bindings are ok, all IPs, all ports. When I select require certificate for the server and type http://hostnameorIP/ it says SSL required, so I type https://hostnameorIP/, browser says host not found. SSL port is set to 443.

    Where do I find error logs if any on all of this? I tried website activity logs, but those don't give authentication errors.

    I believe this is key related. And has to do with what is said here: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=http://support.microsoft.com:80/support/kb/articles/Q246/4/59.ASP&NoWebContent=1

    What said in that link asks to change permissions for \Documents and settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\Machinekeys, however, on NT in c:\winnt\profiles, Crypto and so on directories don't exist, show hidden files is on.

    Please help me solve this problem.

  4. Kodo



    for the log files

    this is a peculiar one. I haven't worked with IIS4 much to be honest. The last time I even looked at it was in early 2000 and by then I was already using win2000 for a few months. So I'm not overly familiar with some of the buggers in the action pack.

    did the sites work at one point or is this a new scenario?
  5. 4600cc

    4600cc Private E-2

    I'm sure 100% it worked before I installed Option Pack (IIS4).

    When using NT authentication, dialog box asking for credentials pops up, that means that there is a web site. When entering incorrect credentials it will display web page with ACCESS DENIED error, when entering correct credentials however, browser would say web site not found. So if authentication went on ok, why the hell does that thing won't show the web site?

    Let's assume first that authentication fails. What could cause the authentication to fail?

    Now, let's assume that authentication does not fail, but after we are authenticated browser can not display web site. What could cause this?

    The only reason I'm using NT is because it's a celeron 700 with 128 MB of RAM. I'm building a web, ftp, time, etc server for my home network.

  6. 4600cc

    4600cc Private E-2

    I was able to fix the problem by uninstalling IIS, rebooting, then installing it again. I don't know what's the problem. I will now start from scratch.

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