I'm losing all audio on my computer!

Discussion in 'Software' started by simplesimon, Oct 7, 2006.

  1. simplesimon

    simplesimon Private E-2

    Hello all,

    Iv'e had this problem for a while, and as you can imagine its beginning to drive me nuts.

    Once my computer has been on for an hour or so, without warning I won't be able to hear ANY audio whatsoever from any programs. I don't know a vast amount about computers, but I am guessing there is a problem with my soundcard/audio drivers.

    I usually notice the problem has occured when I open winamp to play some music and the counter will ascend to 2 seconds (without playing any audio) and then stop.
    I was watching a video clip on BSPlayer the other day, and after a minute or so the sound began to break up and stutter, and then left completely.

    So far, my only solution is to restart my computer.

    Here is my System info:

    OS : Microsoft Windows XP Professional
    CPU: Intel Pentium 4HT, 3066 MHz (5.75 x 533)
    System Memory: 448MB (PC3200 DDR SDRAM)
    Audio Adapter: VIA AC'97 Enhanced Audio Controller

    I also have a Focusrite Saffire audio interface (with onboard DSP and 24-bit/192kHz processing) running from my computer to a sony digital amplifier.

    I'm sorry if the information is a little vague. As I said before, I don't know a lot about computers - but am willing to learn. If there is anything else you might need to know please ask and I'll try and figure it out.


  2. Borsung

    Borsung Corporal

  3. simplesimon

    simplesimon Private E-2

    After several failed attempts at downloading the right thing, I've finally updated the drivers for my audio controller and it seems to have sorted the problem - for now at least!

    Thanks a lot for your help,


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