I'm silent in Firefox!

Discussion in 'Software' started by verbalista, Nov 20, 2005.

  1. verbalista

    verbalista Private E-2

    I'm using Yahoo Sitebuilder to build my web page and it's set up to play background sounds in Internet Explorer only, in spite of what it's help section tells me. I can hear the background sound I put on the page (it's not an annoying loop, just a one-time welcome!) and I can hear it if I use Internet Explorer to go to my page, but not if I go to my page in Firefox.
    I have tried to put html code into the section that's in Sitebuilder, adding "embed src="mysound.midi" hidden="true" autostart="true", but that doesn't work. If I put the complete address of my sound on my own computer, starting with C:, it still doesn't work. I need to find a way to make this sound play for every visitor to my page. I know Sitebuilder is very rudimentary, but I had to throw something up fast, as the name of my site is up for review as a "service mark" (like a Trademark) and the powers-that-be will be dropping into my website any minute to check if I'm really doing business under that name.
    I sure hope you experts can give me an idea about this...I despair of reaching the support at Yahoo, which is well buried and usually gives a canned answer that's totally off-topic. Thanks! Shoshana

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