Importing Customer list from Excel into Microsoft Outlook

Discussion in 'Software' started by KittyinOz, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. KittyinOz

    KittyinOz Private E-2

    Hi all,
    I've searched the archives re: above & have not been able to find
    a solution.

    Hoping some one can point me in the right direction.

    I have created a basic database in excel listing customer business name, address, phone, mobile, contact, email & web address. I have realised that I need to move these accross to something better where I am able to track & makes notes re: phone calls to customer, purchase histroy etc. I was thinking of using Microsoft Outlook (as we do email outs) and am trying to figure out how to import (?) the excel databases I have created rather than having to type each one in again? confused
  2. dyamond

    dyamond Imelda Marcos of Majorgeeks

    This is what i got from my outlook.

    Importing items into Outlook Express
    You can easily import items from other programs into Outlook Express. These items include:

    Address books: From Microsoft products and other products, such as Netscape Communicator and Eudora. You can also import address book data that uses the comma separated values (CSV) format.

    Messages from other e-mail programs: Including Netscape and Eudora. You can also import messages from many Microsoft products, such as Outlook or older versions of Outlook Express.

    E-mail account settings: From an existing e-mail account. When you import your e-mail account settings, your Outlook Express account will have many, if not all, of the customization and information details from your previous account.

    Newsgroup account settings: From an existing e-mail account. When you import your newsroup account settings into Outlook Express, your subscription records and other data, such as which messages you've seen, is placed into your Outlook Express newsgroup account. You can immediately pick up reading your newsgroups.

    I think that you cannot import excel files to outlook because its just a emailing client (unless your planning on sending it as an attachment). I would stick with excel, it might take a little long to track and take notes but excel is a very useful tool. hope it helps!
  3. KittyinOz

    KittyinOz Private E-2

    thanks Dyamond,
    Yes, it appears to be looking that way.

    It's been years since I used Microsoft Access as a database, do you think would that be worth having a look at - re tracking of protential clients? (and the ease of importing excel into it)

    To get around the current problem I still have my excel database & have created manual sheets which are completed.
  4. dyamond

    dyamond Imelda Marcos of Majorgeeks

  5. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

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