In/Out Board software

Discussion in 'Software' started by Lev, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    We use an archaic In/Out Board piece of software at work to log when we are in the office or where we are if we aren't. It does the job, but now I am stretching it's wings using Vista and it doesn't fly.

    So, anyone got any experience with other systems that support vista and don't cost the earth? Emphasis on EXPERIENCE. Please don't post links unless you have actual usage time and can personally recommend the software yourself. I am fully fluent in google. Thanks :)
  2. Boona

    Boona Private E-2

    Hey Lev,
    I do know and use a great electronic in/out board called EIOBoard at our office. You can actually sign up for a 30-day free Intranet trial (customer-hosted) or Intranet (eioboard-hosted) account for your office. It works well with Vista too. The cost is very reasonable and you can check out the pricing on their webpage. You actually get three ways to access the EIOBoard: Web Browser, Application, and Mobile…and all 3 interfaces for the price you pay for the software. The great thing about using EIOBoard is that you can actually set it up so that when a user logs into his own PC the Application interface logs them as “in”. Then EIOBoard also logs you out just the same when the user shuts down their PC for the day. They also have a setting that a user can set so if they don't touch their keyboard or mouse for a certain time (the time can be determined by the user) that it shows them as idle--meaning they might have stepped away from their PC or are doing paperwork. But as soon as they go back to their PC they set status pops back up (and yes, they do have a pop-up that shows user's statuses changes). There are some other really cool feature like chat or IM (can be disabled too), Outlook or GroupWise integration, and a resource management tool for managing things such as conference rooms or laptops, you name it! But the absolute best thing about the software is so easy to use and they have a live and helpful tech support group who answers the phones if you have questions or need any answers about EIOBoard. I hope you will go to the EIOBoard website and take a tour of the different interfaces and then go ahead and give the EIOBoard software a test spin at your office! I hope you will let me know if you agree with me after you give it a try! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by getting rid of your archaic in/out board that your office is using now, if it works for your office like it did for mine!
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2007
  3. Boona

    Boona Private E-2 is where you need to go to find the best in/out board!

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