Installer/Uninstaller program?

Discussion in 'Software' started by SnowCat, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. SnowCat

    SnowCat Private E-2


    Im looking for a program that monitors an install, and removes ALL the files, and reg items that were installed.

    I only found programs here that monitor registry changes, or clean up bad uninstalls. But the best would be if the program monitored the install and so it knew what to remove. is there anything like that on the net somewehere???

    Thanks for your help!
  2. Mada_Milty

    Mada_Milty MajorGeek

    I would recommend running Regmon and FileMon during install. These will log every registry and file transaction during that time.

    Note that this will capture ALL activity in real-time (a HUGE amount of data), so you will need to know the process name of the installer. Once you have that, it is easy to export the log to .CSV, or Excel, and filter the results.
  3. SnowCat

    SnowCat Private E-2

    yea i figured i could do it with multiple other programs, and some extra work, but isnt there any program that would do that for me?
  4. Mada_Milty

    Mada_Milty MajorGeek

    I'm sorry, do what, exactly? I thought I had met your requirements.

    Doing this is the only way I know of getting all the registry keys and files written during an installation. You can wait and see if someone else has something better for you.

    This will do everything you've mentioned in this thread however. You will get a list of all registry keys, and all files copied, and when you are ready to remove them, if there are too many to remove manually, we can write a small program to do it. Just keep the logs you've made.

    Let us know what course of action you plan to take.
  5. SnowCat

    SnowCat Private E-2

    Yes, but that would take lots of time and energy: Start the RegKey, and File monitoring programs, then do the install, and save the logs. And when you want to uninstall the program, you uninstall then check for the stuff it left there... thats a lot of hassle, isnt there 1 program that does ALL of this for me? (log the actions the installer does, and undo them if i want to uninstall it)
    I think i saw something like this a while ago, but i cant seem to find it now...
    To do it manually with multiple programs wouldnt make sense as its too much work....
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2007

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