Installing cable modem onto Windows XP

Discussion in 'Software' started by hiimdavidallen, Sep 12, 2004.

  1. hiimdavidallen

    hiimdavidallen Private E-2

    So, I took your advice and now have Windows XP on my computer, which was otherwise empty. I installed the drivers and when I go to start->all programs->accesories->network connections it lists "local area connection." When I check its status it ways

    status: connected
    duration: 10 minutes (or however long its been connected)
    speed: 100.0 mbps

    Sent Received
    Packets 93 l 0

    Under device manager in the control panel it lists "Network adapters" and under that says Real Tek Family Fast Ethernet NIC

    However when I go to control panel, internet options, under the connections tab it doesn't list anything.

    So, why does it say I'm connected when, when I try to access the internet it Explorer reads first "detecting proxxy..." and after a little while tells me "cannot find server"? How do I fix this?

    Keep in mind the following details

    -The internet is coming from the cable modem to a hub which sends the signal to one computer (that I'm on right now) running on Windows XP. I know that the hub is working as I'm using it as we speak. However could the problem be there? Do I have to network between the two computers? I shouldnt have to, I didnt have to do that when I've used this same hub before.
    -The computer I'm talking about fixing had Windows 98 at one point and we ran this same cable modem on it with no problems, however the internet driver was different, I dont know if it was realtek, Im not sure what it is at all actually.

    And a small final problem is that its not reading the monitor, so I can't adjust the display and it's stuck at 16 bit with a 640 by 480 resolution...

    You guys are a big help, thanks.
  2. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Try running the network setup wizard from start, settings, control panel, communications.

    A common mistake is to never shut the modem off. If you formatted your machine, it may simply not be working properly, so shut off your hub and cable modem, wait at least 2 minutes and turn them back on. Reboot your machine at the same time or so. Let me know if that helps.

    Monitor? Do you have the latest drivers? This applies to all hardware, your video card, sound card, NETWORK card, monitor, motherboard, etc. Windows drivers may work, but are usually dated.
  3. hiimdavidallen

    hiimdavidallen Private E-2

    Okay, I tried turning the computer off, turning off the cable modem and turning the modem and computer back on, to no avail.

    Tried the Network Setup Wizard, after I choose "This computer connects directly to the internet" it tells me "cannot complete the network setup wizard" adding "other computers cannot connect to the internet through this computer" "in addition to its internet connection , this computer must have a connection to your network"
  4. Zyto

    Zyto Private First Class

    Another thing to try is to plug the modem directly into your computer first. Try to get it working that way. And as MA said. Make sure your NIC (Network Interface Card) drivers are up to date. This can be accomplished by downloading the drivers on the computer that works and putting them on a disk. Once those are done. Another thing to try is go to your network connection properties and see if Load balancing is one of the features listed on the connection, If it is. Uncheck it. I have had problems in the past with load balancing and cable modems. Try all these and post the results. good luck to you!

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