Internet Acces Issues

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Brisky, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. Brisky

    Brisky Private E-2

    I have a fairly new Asus Eee PC 1201N with windows 7 installed.

    I got it maybe three weeks ago and just recently had to do a fresh reimage of the hard drive. I used the included Asus backup disk to do it and everything works fine.

    The only problem I do have is that every five minutes or so my wifi internet will stop working.

    By this I mean that my browser will just say "loading" forever.
    The network connection still says its connected and that I have a strong signal but none of my programs can access the internet when its like this.

    I have all the latest drivers installed for it.
    I even tried an older wifi driver and saw no difference.

    Device manager reports no hardware issues either.

    I did have the HOST file installed (the one linked to on this site for malware).
    I thought maybe that was giving me grief so I deleted it and reverted back to the old one and still no dice.

    Any ideas?

  2. Brisky

    Brisky Private E-2

    Yeah only firewall I have is windows.
    I have done lots of scans and use Avira.

    Like I said just did a fresh image on the hard drive not two days ago.
    SO not sure what it is...
  3. Brisky

    Brisky Private E-2

    Alright I will check some more of my settings on the router and let you know.

    Just tried IPconfig and it pops up and than disappears.
    Am I missing something?
    I am logged in as the Admin.

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