Internet Explorer colors are whacked!!!

Discussion in 'Software' started by dlb, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Windows XP Home SP2 - IE7 - I have attached a couple screenshots below so you can just how buggered up the IE color scheme is. I have gone into IE settings and tried every setting I could find that mentioned color or themes. I was able to get hovering to change color (it wasn't working before) as you'll see with AVG in the screenshot. I can't use system restore due to lack of restore points. I have tried the Advanced > Restore Advanced Settings; I've tried restoring defaults. I've tried installing different desktop themes. It's not a huge problem 'cuz IE works, it's just an annoyance more than anything else. So any help or ideas or suggestions will be appreciated.


    Attached Files:

  2. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Anyone??? Anything???
  3. scott_hayes89

    scott_hayes89 Corporal

    haven't use IE7,isn't there a front page options where they give you different colors to choose from. you could try to go to view and click on toolbars,customize see if there are any options there.
  4. Goran.P

    Goran.P MajorGeek

    uninstall IE7,run registry cleaner(something like RegCure,not CCleaner),install it again and see what happen.
  5. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    I've tried everything for colors or themes or anything remotely connected to that in both all internet settings and desktop settings and it made no difference. Unfortunately, the owner of the PC needed it back for the July 4 weekend so I don't have a chance to fix it. He wasn't too worried about, and he said "If I remember correctly, my son set it up like that on purpose... it's easier to see stuff". I think it made stuff harder to read with everything in the background just being white, and only white, but... to each his own.
    Thanks for the help guys, but it's no longer an issue....
  6. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Sorry didnt see this sooner dlb as its the Accessability Options in XP causing this in IE, to fix need to open IE and click Tools > Internet Options > Accessability button down bottom and untick "ignore colours specified on webpages" Ok and Apply


    So just a FYI for future reference and if the client wants to fix it you can tell them.
  7. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Thanks Halo, but I went there and tried EVERY possible combiniation, and nothing worked. Like I said in my first post, I was able to get the hover color to change (it wasn't working normally at first), but that was the only progress I was able to make with this. I checked and unchecked every box in every possible combination in "Colors" and in "Accessibility" (I even tried desktop settings and themes as a far-fetched last resort) and none of it made a difference with the background 'theme' on web pages :cry
    Thanks anyway.
  8. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    If they had Spybot or alike app to block registry changes then that could halt the change but from your images that assessabilty option in IE is what causes that, try it on your PC and in IE. Its also possible if XP Pro then a Group Policy was changed but not really seen many gerneral users adjusting those setting, more network admins.

    Maybe re-look at it again if they bring it back to you in future? and we can go from there.... as I would like to know fix if it wasnt the IE settings I mentioned or the General XP Accessabilty ones you tried.
  9. scott_hayes89

    scott_hayes89 Corporal

    isnt there an IE7 repair kit.sounds like the kid maybe went to the painting program and messed it up.just a thought?..

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