Internet Explorer going crazy

Discussion in 'Software' started by missbeachchick, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. missbeachchick

    missbeachchick Private E-2

    Hi Guys,

    I've been having problems on my laptop when it comes to downloading files and opening files on a disc. I've got windows vista home premium.

    Even when I'm not connected to the internet, Internet Explorer goes crazy and opens up loads of tabs when I try to download a file. My friend put heaps of font files on a disc and when I go to open them, the same thing happens. The saved folder strangely has the internet explorer logo on it. This happens also when I'm online using Chrome.

    I understand you can't get rid of IE completely - I may be wrong though - but if that fixes the problem, I'd like to do so and use another browser.

    I've also run spybot and crap cleaner, but with no negative results.

    On my other laptop, the same file and various downloaded files just open automatically and with no reference to IE.

    Your help or ideas would be appreciated.

    Justine x
  2. missbeachchick

    missbeachchick Private E-2

    I also forgot to mention I tried updating IE but the same thing happens ~ J
  3. beezneez

    beezneez Corporal

    Hi, I have had issues with IE and found I had been hijacked by Conduit search toolbar. There are a lot of these horrible Browser hijackers about and once you have one
    you have a world of pain getting your machine clean again. Have a look in your add-ons and see if your search engine has been changed. In IE 11 go to the top right hand corner and open the menu with the gear icon and then open Manage add-ons. See what comes up. If it is dodgy you need to go to the Malware forum. good luck
  4. missbeachchick

    missbeachchick Private E-2

    Thanks Beezneez,

    I'll check it out tonight and let you know how I go ~ J

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