internet log on issue!

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by bcm, Jan 8, 2006.

  1. bcm

    bcm Private First Class

    Hello, I just recently bought a computer from the GOOD WILL(DELL"dimesion xps pro200n". And there are a couple of things that has got me stompped:First, it's running two hard(well I know one is for sure)drives. Second ,the computer will not boot up if I disconnect this odd looking hard drive, and try to run the regular hard drive from SLAVE to MASTER. Ok, my question is,how can I delet or bypass this CONTENT ADVISORY when trying to log on to internet(it asks for a password),because its not allowing me to access.
  2. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    Are you sure that the other so called drive is not something else that was installed for security purposes by the previous owner? It sounds like you may have to wipe the drive and reinstall the OS if there was a security device like a hardware version of "Deep Freeze" installed on the machine.
  3. bcm

    bcm Private First Class

    Ok, I just took the odd looking hard off to take a look at it;it certainly a hard of some type,(only having 3.2gb)but has no normal 9 pin jumper slot, this one only has three. So, I guess my question is how do go about wiping the system clean. thanks for your help
  4. rtminc

    rtminc Private E-2

    Just wondering...your other "hard drive" isn't a security dongle of some sort is it? Can you describe it?
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    If you are going to wipe the PC clean then do you have an Operating System to go back on it? .... IF so which one and we can direct you in the right direction,

    from what I gather this was once owned by someone else, hence the passworded Content Advisor for IE?

    you could if your happy editing the registry ( must warn if your not used to the registry deleting the wrong things can stop your PC from working so before deleting its always best to backup what your going to delete.... ) delete this key as it should remove the passord from the content advisor.

    Close all IE windows ( so maybe write or print this out )

    Click Start > Run > type regedit ( or if not XP as my instructions will be for XP type regedit.exe ) > enter

    then navigate down to this part using the small + symbols next to the folders......

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > policies

    then click the Ratings folder and delete the icon called KEY if found in the right hand box ( only delete that one ) then exit Regedit and restart IE and try again.

    but just check in IE, Tools > Interent Options > Content and make sure if the Enable?Disable button says Disable click it and if prompted for a password, leave it blank and click ok/apply ( this shoudl disable the Content Advisor )
  6. bcm

    bcm Private First Class

    The regular "hard drive", is a" western digital AC418000". I think believe this the hard drive thats running the "windows xp home". hope this helps
  7. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    Take a picture of the culprit in question so all can see. I am kinda curious. Also are there any manufacturer markings on the device that was plugged in? Also was this piggy-backed onto the drive, or plugged into the IDE cable also?
  8. bcm

    bcm Private First Class

    the culprit was plugged in and the western hard drive is slaved to it.No pic avaulable
  9. bcm

    bcm Private First Class

    Ok Guys, this may be of more help. I just hook the computer up to see what operation set up. After the system set it promps to select "win xp home" or "win nt work station" or vga mode. hope this helps
    As for the going into the registry system; After clicking on the "Ratings Tab",the"key' icon refered was not there what was in its place was a "Default"folder, so I stop.
  10. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    Are there any manufacturer markings on it? If the drive was plugged into it, sounds like a hardware version of "Deep Freeze", or security device.
  11. bcm

    bcm Private First Class

    If there is a 'deep freeze" is there a way around it?
  12. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    No, due to it involves wiping the hard drive. Also if the piece that was piggy-backed onto the drive (sure would like a pic or to know what the manufacturer markings are like I have asked three times, so a search can be done as to what this do-hicky does) was some sort of encryption or keylogger, that would also like to be known.
  13. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    would agree with brownizs, unless we could ID the hardware as then any potential workarounds then, you are left with a complete re-install, to remove any security settings, this would need you to have a spare windows cd and licence ( did the PC come with any restore or full windows cds? )

    pitty it wasnt the registry key... but looks like its a hardware based security add-on.
  14. bcm

    bcm Private First Class

    IBM oem
    model:DAQA-33240 E182115
    RATED:5V 300mA.12V 200mA
    P/N : 46H3441 3.2GB

    Hope this will help. I have tried installing xp pro,but the system would not take:said the windows operation(win xp home) running is newer than the xp pro I was tring to install, and would not except the key code.
  15. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    I am coming up with 9.5gb SCSI harddrive and IDE drive, so definitely it may be a harddrive. Most likely also because it is saying that the OS is newer is most likely it already has SP2 on it.
  16. bcm

    bcm Private First Class

    No,It should be 3.2. IBM> model:DAQA-33240 E182115 V;but there's still the issue about how to disable the"content advisor". What I done is went into "IE">Content. It is disabled,and when tring to enable it,the promp comes up for pass word on it also. There has to be some way to to disable.
  17. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    You have to go into the Registry and disable Content Advisor like Halo stated in order to disable it.
  18. bcm

    bcm Private First Class

    Re: internet log on issue! THANKZ GUYZ

    Thankz Guys I'm Online Now, Registry Info Worked!

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