Iphone cracked screen

Discussion in 'Software' started by brad1431, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. brad1431

    brad1431 Private E-2

    a bunch of people have told me that it is super easy to fix as long as you get directions and go step by step and tape each screw to each direction. Where is a good reliable and inexpensive place to buy the parts. I see them on ebay from $20-30, but am not sure who you can trust.

  2. Spad

    Spad MajorGeek

    Depending on the model iPhone, that isn't a bad price for them actually. A place called Global Parts Direct sells parts for cell phones, including iPhone models. I bought a new screen for my wife's android phone from there a few years back, but I do think E bay might be your best bet. Always check the seller's feedback and length of time they have been a member. Also their return policy and any buyer protection on the item.

    Youtube is full of videos showing iPhones being taking apart step by step. It's not a hard process per se . . . though iPhones seem about the most tedious I've seen. Biggest concern is being gentle with the tiny, fragile ribbon cables . . . most of which are affixed with adhesive. It is a time consuming process, but doable.

    Good luck. I hope you get it squared away with a minimum of fuss. :)

    P.S. Did I mention being gentle with the ribbon cables?
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