Is it possible to save a youtube video file the hard drive?

Discussion in 'Software' started by mcduke, Mar 28, 2008.

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  1. mcduke

    mcduke Corporal

    I saw acouple of instructable videos on youtube I'd like to save to my hard drive. Can that be done?
  2. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    This is not legal. Youtube are currently taking legal action against this type of activity and those who attempt to create software apps that allow you to do this. does not provide advice that allows the law to be compromised :)
  3. Maxwell

    Maxwell Folgers

  4. mcduke

    mcduke Corporal

    Wow, didn't realize it was illegal. Sorry.
  5. tritonobx

    tritonobx Staff Sergeant

    Real Player version 11 has a web video download feature that saves these videos to your pc. If the video being viewed is recordable, a banner will appear indicating this, and the recording will typically be a .ivr file. I disagree that it's illegal, otherwise Real Networks wouldn't be providing this capability.
  6. Goran.P

    Goran.P MajorGeek

  7. Maxwell

    Maxwell Folgers

  8. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Uh, excuse me. If a mod says no, it means no. If Youtube is serving cease and desists (and they have), we don't participate in discussions over it. Ok? This is to protect not only you, but Majorgeeks. If you want to disagree, fine. Take it to PMs, or bring it up to the owners and see if they agree with you. Public challenges to a moderator ruling are not the way to go.

    This matter is dropped.
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