Is it possible to set up 3 monitors on one PC?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by DCO57, Sep 6, 2004.

  1. DCO57

    DCO57 Private E-2

    Fellow Geeks,
    I'm setting up a Pentium 4/ Win XP system for day trading. I'm told I need 3 monitors for viewing stock prices,performance graphs, and a transaction page.
    I know I'll need 3 graphic cards (unless theres one specifically designed for multiple outputs), but can XP alone handle this, or do I need a special program.
    Thanks in advance to anyone who knows how to configure such a setup.
  2. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

  3. ASUS

    ASUS MajorGeek

    Matrox will do the trick.

    I run dual monitor's, I have tryed doing 3, unable to do the third yet (trying to do for cheap) I have known about Matrox just didnt want to spend the cash.
    The first link from Just Playing interesting, has inspired me to maybe try again.
    I have tryed Gforce MX440 8X AGP dual head ($50), and matrox single head ( $5), but was unable to get matrox to fire up, I could only run one card or the other, Hum!
    The rig I had tried is also dual boot W2K pro/ Xp pro, both failed as of yet.

    If ya do come up with inexpensive solution to triple display's or alturnitive way then was posted, please let us know.

    Good Luck!

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