Is there a SIMPLE Password Manager Available?

Discussion in 'Software' started by grc123, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. grc123

    grc123 MajorGeek

    I have always had difficulty (for whatever reason) with password managers ... I am currently using ...... let me rephrase that; The one which is currently using me is - "Roboform". I "think" (?) I had installed this program years ago when it first came out, and had better luck with it then than I am having now.

    Perhaps I am just not patient-enough with it, but I would like a password manager that is simple...after all, is that not one of the two primary reasons to have one in the first place, 1. Security, 2. Convenience?

    Could anyone possibly point me toward a SIMPLE password which allows me to sign-in to a profile ONCE, and thereby allows me into all of my various profiles without again having to sign into each and every one of them individually ... please??

    I use BOTH Chrome (primarily) AND Firefox (3.6.12), and occasionally Pale Moon. I'm hoping I can find one that works with both XP (Home) and Vista (Home).

    Thanks in advance,
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  2. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    I have purchased Roboform pro & I do all that stuff. It is loaded on my laptop with different identities (under one - default profile) for work & personal. I don't have to log in at all, that may be weak, but I always keep my laptop safe.
    Go in to Roboform > Options > Security and untick password protection. You may have to remove individual password protected logins - don't know.
    Add different identities & the Roboform toolbar is simple to use. Click Logins and go or if you browse to a site and it has a saved password, you'll see the name in bold, click it to fill the login info.

    If your not happy you can try keepass with keefox for firefox.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  3. grc123

    grc123 MajorGeek

    I apologize for never getting back to you on this...I never got...perhaps, I never SAW a notice in email for this,you kind response here.

    I gave-up on Roboform back then, and probably close to a year now been utilizing LastPass Password Manager ( ), and while I am always able to navigate through it (sooner or later) I am STILL not happy with its performance...just too many things about it that seem unnecessary, and get in the way..."cutesy" things I suppose. And cutesy I do not appreciate in ANY security program. "Simplicity" yes - cute, no.

    I'll probably get BLASTED for dredging-up this old thread, but I actually came-across it in an online search for another password manager...a GOOD one.

    I don't know. It's probably me...I am actually a real IDIOT when it comes to this tech/geek stuff. I simply cannot get my head around it...barely ever could to begin with . . . now with all the health (lack) and other personal problems, well, it's simply too much ... it's all just too much.... :(

    I will look at keefox - though mostly use Google's Chrome browser these days...
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2012
  4. MadMal

    MadMal Corporal

    I use KeePass but I don't use any FireFox extension, I just launch KeePass and have it sitting in the SystemTray so it is ready when I need it.

    You can add your own Groups (folders) to keep everything organized.
    If you add the URL address you can just click on the link in the bottom section and it will take you there.
    You can also double click on the Password in the top section and it will be copied to the clipboard for 10 seconds giving you enough time to paste it into the password field, then it is deleted from the clipboard.
    I have set it to Always on Top so if needed I can read the info while I type it and I adjusted the window size so that it sits near the bottom of the screen. Minimizing the window sends it back to the Systemtray. See image Small window

    Adding an entry is simple, KeePass will suggest a Password but you can simply delete it and put your own. See image Add Entry

    I use the KeePass Classic Edition portable (zip) version. The KeePass folder lives in My Documents and is backed up to a flashdrive on a regular basis, as well as being a handy backup I can use it on other computers.

    Nothing fancy, it just works.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2012
  5. MadMal

    MadMal Corporal

    Sorry aboiut the double post, I messed up an attached image and missed the 10 minute deadline :-o

    Here is the Small window image and a bonus Full window image where you can see the Groups I created.
    The Just for show group was created just for these screenshots, NotTelling is not my password ;)

    Attached Files:

  6. grc123

    grc123 MajorGeek

    I am very sorry I never saw this (your replies, here)..and THANK YOU for this.

    I am (yet again) experiencing "problems" (TROUBLE) with the password manager I've been using (have had trouble pretty much all along, actually), and KeePass does "appear", at least to be a bit more "simple", which is what I desperately need (I simply don't have the time/energy to try to figure it out all the time...and cannot imagine that I'm alone in that??).

    Thank you again VERY much~!~
  7. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    If there are no children in your home, then write the passwords down on an index card.
    I do this for all sites. I use a code for the site and I do not write down my log in name on the card. That way, if I lose the card, it would be gibberish to anyone who finds it.
    When I travel, I put the card in my wallet.

    I've tried password managers and hate them. For me, my index card has served me fine for years and on several trips. When I arrive back home, I change passwords on all sites just in case someone "sniffed" my wireless connection on board the ship or at a hotspot I may have used.
  8. grc123

    grc123 MajorGeek

    Thank you!!! Thank you--thank you---THANK YOU!!! THIS is the most brilliant "tech" suggestion I've read in some YEARS!

    I WILL DO it!

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