ISP or my network? Modem freezes

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by barefootjeremy, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. barefootjeremy

    barefootjeremy Private E-2

    Im hoping someone here can help me. Ive spent too many hours with my ISP Comcast trying to figure things out and they wont send someone for 10 days!

    Basically, we have a small network of 50 computers split through 2 large hubs and a few extentions. We had a dsl modem for 4 years, but it recently kept 'freezing' and we'd have to reboot it.

    We replaced the modem with a newer one, SMC 8013WG-CCR, and also had our ISP move the cable line into our new electrical room.

    This modem now freezes randomly and I dont know why...Theres not much on the system log. just an occasional:
    Level:warning, Content:Map Reject - Downstream Traffic Flow Not Mapped to BPI+ SAID

    anyone know what could be causing this?

    Ive seemingly ruled out the modem by getting a new one.
    is 50 CPU to many for one modem to handle?

    Downstream Channel
    Downstream Frequency 735000000 Hz
    Lock Status Locked
    Modulation 256 QAM
    Symbol Rate 5.360537 Msym/sec
    Downstream Power 2.7 dBmV
    SNR 34.308 dB

    Upstream Channel
    Upstream Frequency 25328000 Hz
    Lock Status Locked
    Modulation QPSK
    Symbol Rate 2560000 sym/sec
    Upstream Power 45.8 dBmV
    Channel ID 2
  2. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    I would have the cable tech come out and check for bad connections and do a line quality test. The downstream power and SN/R does not look right.
  3. barefootjeremy

    barefootjeremy Private E-2

    thats what I was wondering. it only gets as high as 6.5 when there arent a lot of users. during the day its 2.5-3.5

    some other ppl suggested the NAT layer was being overloaded, but isnt the modem with built-in routing supposed to be able to handle 50 computers?
  4. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    Depends on the level of saturation on the network. If the switch is not a Level 3 switch, defentely you may have problems.
  5. barefootjeremy

    barefootjeremy Private E-2

    I dont know what this means :confused:
  6. barefootjeremy

    barefootjeremy Private E-2

    Thats what Im guessing since they moved the lines 2 weeks ago.
    I cant convince ANYONE at my ISP, Comcast, that they possibly did a bad installation. And they wont come out to check their mistake without chraging.

    Comcast has been my worst experience ever. Id even say HP & Sony tech support are better than comcast. they all suck imho. I havent talked to ONE person who knows anything about: my account, prev. conversations, modems, internet, or anything else. They just seem to wait on the line for you and reply with "theres nothing we can do" or "we can send someone to fix our mistake for $50"

    So with all my hours on the phone (talking to supervisors only through someone else!) im switching our ISP and see if that solves our issues.

    sure im upset. c'mon comcast, whats the point of giving me refrence #'s when you cant look them up when I call back! or promise a call back in 24hrs with no response?!?!
  7. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    There is a Comcast Tech that frequents the Comcast Forum under "comcastguy" that may be able to help you out with this. May want to hop over there and see what he may say.

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