Jerky, Not responding, seems clear of viruses...

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by fredphoesh, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. fredphoesh

    fredphoesh Private E-2

    Hello guys,
    I have been having very weird Not responding on many apps, windows explorer, sometimes scrolling through file windows explorer it stops scrolling, sometimes double clicking to open a file has no effect, then I try again and again and then after a while 5 windows pop up... you get the picture!

    The OTHER very odd issue is my USB slots (back and front slots) seem to lose connectivity, particularly with my Galaxy S4 phone. I have tried several cables, it's not that.

    I've done several virus&spyware scans Advanced System Care, AVG, Avast, HitmanPro, RogueKiller, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, and there doesn't seem to be any problem there... so I am starting to think this may be a hardware issue, but I don't know where to start.

    Advice would be very welcome :)
  2. gman863

    gman863 MajorGeek

    Did Advanced System Care find or fix any hard drive errors when you ran it? Run the "Disk Doctor" in the toolbox section of ASC again and check.

    Do you have a bootable Linux USB or CD drive? If so, try it and see if the PC performs better with it.

    Personally, my guess is either your copy of Windows has become corrupted or the hard disk is starting to fail. These are the areas I would focus on.

    Hope this helps.
  3. fredphoesh

    fredphoesh Private E-2

    Hi gman863 and all,
    Sorry, I forgot to upload the system info - woke up at 5:30am to fix it!

    I didn't have any HD error running Advanced System Care, but will try running Linux off a CD for a bit... Here is a screen grab showing the first page of the Bekarc system info.

    Thanks for the input!

  4. fredphoesh

    fredphoesh Private E-2

    So guys,
    Any other tools I can try to figure out why I am having these delays and gaps and lags and not respondings?

  5. Caliban

    Caliban I don't need no steenkin' title!

    Greetings, fredphoesh.

    In line with gman863's Linux suggestion have you tried booting the machine into Safe Mode? If the symptoms disappear when in Safe Mode then it's a good bet that some 3rd-party startups are causing the problems - if not, then you've verified that this may be a Windows issue.
  6. fredphoesh

    fredphoesh Private E-2

    I will try that, though the symptoms dont happen all the time... so I would have to do a lot of nothing in safe mode, but I guess I have to do that. I could also try booting to Linux via a CD, that would be more fun than messing around in safe mode ;)
    Tx, will do and report back.
  7. Caliban

    Caliban I don't need no steenkin' title!

    Good point - wasn't aware that this was a sporadic problem. Linux of any flavor is tastier than Safe Mode, every time. ;)

    Hardware trumps software every time, too. Because of the mention of the hard drive and the USB anomalies you might consider disconnecting everything non-essential while troubleshooting. Your report seems to indicate a lot of connected devices.

    Check connections, re-seat cards, modules, etc. If this is somehow heat-related a proper physical cleaning never hurts - do a good visual inspection while you're at it.
  8. gman863

    gman863 MajorGeek

    Two more "what ifs..."

    I noticed you have Windows 8.1. Assuming you upgraded, did the problems happen in the previous version of Windows (8, 7) you had installed? If the problems began after the 8.1 install, it may be that something got corrupted during the upgrade process or you have some incompatible drivers. I would go directly to Intel's website and see if there is an upgrade for the video driver(s).

    Second question: Is the problem triggered when you attempt to open or run a specific program (browser, MS-Office, game, etc.)? If so, it could be a corrupted install of the software or sometimes a hard disk problem which may not show up in standard scanning (the latter has happened to me twice...if all else fails, it might be worth doing a fresh reinstall of Windows on a different hard drive to see if it solves the problem)
  9. fredphoesh

    fredphoesh Private E-2

    Hello boys (assumption!)
    Thanks for the responses.
    gman863, I have found that I actually DO have disk issues... when I run IOBit Disk Doctor, I get an error, and when I reboot to fix the error and run it again, the error is still there...
    I dont understand the log file it provided (pasted at the end of this post) but my guess is I should speak to the manufacturer/shop that sold the PC less than a year ago and get a replacement perhaps.
    To answer some of your questions

    yes, with win 8... and I had done a fresh install of win8 a month ago specifically to overcome this problem, but it did nothing to fix it.

    good advice, I have not done any of that.

    The log file from IOBit Disk Doctor is:

    C:\ Volume Label: Local Disk, File System: NTFS

    Stage 1: Examining basic file system structure ...
    443904 file records processed.
    File verification completed.
    1277 large file records processed.
    0 bad file records processed.
    Stage 2: Examining file name linkage ...
    Index entry 000021.log in index $I30 of file 370 is incorrect.
    Index entry CURRENT in index $I30 of file 370 is incorrect.
    Index entry LOG in index $I30 of file 370 is incorrect.
    Index entry LOG.old in index $I30 of file 370 is incorrect.
    Index entry MANIFEST-000019 in index $I30 of file 370 is incorrect.
    Index entry MANIFE~2 in index $I30 of file 370 is incorrect.
    Index entry 000110.log in index $I30 of file 58363 is incorrect.
    Index entry CURRENT in index $I30 of file 58363 is incorrect.
    Index entry LOG in index $I30 of file 58363 is incorrect.
    Index entry LOG.old in index $I30 of file 58363 is incorrect.
    Index entry MANIFEST-000109 in index $I30 of file 58363 is incorrect.
    Index entry MANIFE~2 in index $I30 of file 58363 is incorrect.
    Index entry Local State in index $I30 of file 141140 is incorrect.
    Index entry LOCALS~1 in index $I30 of file 141140 is incorrect.
    Index entry lockfile in index $I30 of file 141140 is incorrect.
    Index entry Last Session in index $I30 of file 141141 is incorrect.
    Index entry LASTSE~1 in index $I30 of file 141141 is incorrect.
    Index entry 0-HomePageData-https???
    HomePageData?pt?x64?lf?1?os?edition?type-.dat in index $I30 of file 308959 is
    Index entry 0-HOME~4.DAT in index $I30 of file 308959 is incorrect.

    So what do you reckon?
  10. fredphoesh

    fredphoesh Private E-2

    Hi again...

    So do you think there is something I can do with chkdsk to fix this problem?

    I have run chkdsk via CMD prompt using the command chkdsk C: /r /f and also run diskdoctor through it's reboot and repair process, and with both, IOBit Disk Doctor still says there is an error found... so is the HD as good as useless, or is there hope?

  11. fredphoesh

    fredphoesh Private E-2

    Seems like I'm the only person interested in talking to me ;)

    But I spoke to the retailer who directed me to try a Seagate tool to test the drive, and the test showed the drive was failing, so the drive is getting sent back tomorrow, being wiped/formatted right now...

    Tx for the input... this topic is now closed from my standpoint.

  12. Caliban

    Caliban I don't need no steenkin' title!

    Thanks for the feedback - hope things get sorted for you. Keep us posted.

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