Keep getting "Out of Range" message.

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Goodfortitude, Dec 24, 2009.

  1. Goodfortitude

    Goodfortitude Private First Class

    Hi all. I keep having a problem with "Out of Range" messages whenever I install my video drivers for my video card. As long as I don't install my drivers, I can see things on my monitor just fine...

    I just got a new Sata drive for winXP and have installed it now. Only thing is, every time I install my video drivers to be able to use my graphics card, I just get "out of (scan) range" messages on reboot. I think it's probably a BIOS setting that I need to change, but I'm not sure what to change.

    Also, in order for winXP to read the sATA drive, I had to change the sATA Mode to "IDE" instead of RAID. So, should I install my IDE drivers for my MoBo or the RAID drivers, or both?

    Right now my PC is "working" at least, it just sucks and I'm not sure what steps to take.

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