Kingston SSDNow V100 128Gb opinions plz

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by scajjr, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. scajjr

    scajjr Sergeant

    have a some BestBuy gift cards and with some cash was thinking about getting the Kingston SSDNow V100 128Gb desktop bundle ($190 after 10% off coupon).
    Not looking for the ultimate, just a decent SSD for loading Win7 x64 and a couple games. Reviews seem Ok, was wondering if anyone has used these drives?

  2. bailmeout

    bailmeout Specialist

    To answer you question, its no Intel X25 but it will just beat a Raptor hard drive. Using the 64GB version myself just for windows and 1-2 games at the time, quite pleased after doing general tweaks to it. Fast windows boot and general application use. Good value for money, I would give it 7/10
  3. scajjr

    scajjr Sergeant

    As I was getting ready to order it I got an email from with a bunch of discount promo codes, one of which was for 20% off any SSD. Ended up ordering a OCZ Agility2 120Gb 3.5" formfactor SSD. For $169 not a bad $/Gb for a Sandforce controller drive.

  4. bailmeout

    bailmeout Specialist

    Should be near in performance with the V100 series...

    Select high performance power plan
    Disable Indexing
    Enable Write Caching
    Disable Defrag
    Disable System Restore (Personal preference)
    Disable Superfetch
    Disable Prefetch

    To enable TRIM

    Start, type cmd, run as administrator

    fsutil behavior set disabledeletenotify 0

    To check if it's enabled:

    fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify

    Results should be as follows

    DisableDeleteNotify = 1 (disabled)
    DisableDeleteNotify = 0 (enabled)

    Enjoy awesomeness :)
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2011
  5. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

  6. scajjr

    scajjr Sergeant

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