Laptop cd drive unistalled

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by angryt, Nov 11, 2006.

  1. angryt

    angryt Private E-2

    My fujitsu siemens amilo pro laptop has somehow managed to unistall its cd drive and unistall its wireless - is there any way to get these back? Also it has somehow partitions its drive so i have only half the memory.
    I use windows xp pro, i woul appreciate any help

    Cheers :confused:
  2. Tarwedge

    Tarwedge Private E-2

    Have you recently installed itunes or an ipod? I've seen that unmount the CD drive a couple of times, apparently due to a registry change made by some of apple's copy protection measures. Theres a registry fix available but google is down for me right now so I can't find it unfortunately.

    Hope that gives you a few clues.

    Also, is it a new install of xp pro or is it the version the laptop shipped with? A lot of laptops use very specific hardware that XP Pro retail doesnt have the drivers for, so you have to find them manually from the manufacturers discs.
  3. angryt

    angryt Private E-2

    No i haven't installed itunes or ipod, and i have been using the laptop quite a while with xp pro, it just recently starting going weird like this, and i had to reformat the drive a few weeks ago.

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