Laptop CPU thermal paste?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ~Q~, Dec 17, 2009.

  1. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    I'm cleaning the fan and heat sink on this laptop and ther isn't any thermal paste between the shiny plate on the heat sink and the CPU itself, although ther is some paste between the shiny plate and the heatsink it is connected to.

    Is that right?

    I would have thought ther should be some in direct contact with the CPU!

    EDIT: it is a Ei System Lappy with a VIA C3 1Ghz processor.
  2. biogenesis

    biogenesis Sergeant

    I don't think so, unless who ever installed the cpu was trying to prevent fusion of the cpu to the heat sink, But even in that case I'm pretty sure the paste is meant to be applied directly to/between the heat sink and cpu; This helps with cooling of the cpu.
  3. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    I have never seen one like this before (but then i havn't been inside that many lappys)

    Has anyone ever seen a CPU that doesnt require direct contact with the Paste?

    By the looks of it this has NEVER had any thermal paste on it as it is pristine.

  4. necro61

    necro61 Specialist

    Is this an old school Celeron single core?

    I know they use special variants of your standard cpus that do not generate as much heat, typically. But most cpus I have seen larger than an old school Pentium one 233MHzish and higher at least have a thermal pad / grease of some description...

    Is there any info from the manufacturers website...maybe a pdf or sumthing that might help you?

    Failing that try ringing the local laptop company they specialise in this sort of thing and may have come across this model or similar in the past..

    G luck with this one:)
  5. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    I think it is yeah.

    The Lappy is some Generic shops own Brand type jobby (PC WORLDS i think), not much info about it at all.


    Just reading some info about the processor and it is/was made to be running at low temps on low power but nothing mentioned about not needing paste.


    Who reckons i should just stick some paste on it? (it can do no harm can it?)
    (it is unlikely to ever need to come out in its lifetime again)
  6. necro61

    necro61 Specialist

    Hey there, I probably would on first impressions...although I have never seen a cpu suffer from having thermal paste, unless it was so much that it went all over the mobo, and its not like its a huge mainframe with nitrogen cooling or anything, try a thermal pad - a little square if you can, easier to apply - not so messy, will probably out-last the units lifetime anyway, although thermal grease is supposed to be superior / better..?

    Dont forget to keep your hands clean, as our geek tutor taught us, the nasty chemicals in thermal paste will go right through your skin like the old hot knife through butter and that stuff is way toxic my friend...sits in your fatty cells around the organs like heart kidney etc... so I was told...??

    On the other hand if it hasnt needed it untill now, and the cpu is within its models / make temperature range and under a heavy load... why happy:cool

    L8r Guy :wave
  7. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    Thats the thing, im in the middle of troubleshooting this lappy and whilst cleaning the cooling assembly i noticed teh lack of thermal paste, which strikes me as mad, but like i said, i've not to much exp' with lappy cpu's and i know laptops can throw some odd curveballs at you so, i thought i'd ask before continuing with putting it back in and switching it on.
  8. necro61

    necro61 Specialist

    I would have a look at the housing and the cpu itself, see if theres any sign of scorching or dis-coloration as a hint..but you can always through a dabb of it on the core and leave it playing a dvd, defragging, or writing a cd or sumthing for a couple of hours, have a look at the temp and see what its upto put your hand over the exhaust or have a sniff for hot smelling hardware... its sort of like the smell of burning bones once you smell it you never forget it..

    Cant add much more than this on this topic my friend, I am about to finish up for the weekend to quote the great John Mclean from Die Hard... yippy ki yay M!@#$!@.......:p Sorry its been a long week and finish up next week for good... i have been made redundant just before Christmas... the end of the year ...happy Christmas to me...:( no big pay out::(cry:(... booo whooo...sob etc...

    Never mind at least i have my bad health to carry me through quacks dont have a clue whats wrong with me...probably eating all that thermal paste lol :-D

    Have a good one my friend and play safe...
  9. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    Have a good weekend my friend.

    Unless anyone has any advice not to, im going to stick some paste between the plate and the CPU tomorow.

    BTW it doesnt show any sign of damage but it is overheating (don't need temp readings to tell that :( ) That's what i was trouble shooting, I thought i'd found the culprit when i seen the heatsink all blocked up, but then i seen the paste issue, and was not/still not sure if it is some freaky kind of processor that dont need any paste on it.

    I'll let you know what happens.

  10. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    Well i stuck some thermal paste on the CPU and cleaned the whole thing of dust.

    As of now im 4 mins away from finishing installing XP and the laptop is barely warm, infact the vent the fan sucks through is COLD to touch! :)

    I've got a feeling this is going to be a really good lappy, even though it is some generic non-brand cheapo job.

    EDIT: the places that are cool now, were almost too hot to touch before (after 10-15 mins)


  11. Bold Eagle

    Bold Eagle MajorGeek

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