Laptop not picking up wireless router

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Olive Salsa, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Olive Salsa

    Olive Salsa Private E-2

    Ok, I've searched several similar threads, but to no avail.

    The situation and the facts on the ground:

    - Dell Latitude E6400 XP (corporate) laptop not connecting to Belkin F7D1301 v1 wireless router.

    - Under "View Wireless network connections", I do not see any networks, where previously I would see my Belkin and all my neighbors networks.

    - Has worked before for months, have not made any config changes anywhere (that I remember anyways :-D)

    - Other devices, my Wii and Kindle pick up the router with ease

    - Have adjusted wireless settings at on hardwired desktop, currently have security disabled until I can get a connection.

    - SSID name matches router and laptop

    - Wireless is enabled

    - Here is the biggest clue that I don't understand, and think it probably is the culprit. When I hardwire laptop, I still do not get connection, no juice. Hardwiring at work does work. As I mentioned, if I solve that issue, I'm guessing I solve the wireless network issue.

    I've been through two Belkin tech reps, the first I had to cut it off as was getting too long, the second offer no further help after it was discovered that other devices were connecting to the router. Not sterling, above and beyond support, but fair enough.

    Anyways, any help is appreciated!

  2. lbmest

    lbmest MajorGeek

    So wireless and wired do not work at home but wired works at your office.
    Does wireless work at your office?
    Could be a group policy change or update from corporate IT that has done this.
    Can you check with your IT folks at work for some information on recent changes or updates? If you "work" from home, they should be able to get this straightened out pretty quickly.
  3. Olive Salsa

    Olive Salsa Private E-2

    Good grief. I called our corporate IT and was directed to the physical wireless switch on the right hand side of the this Dell Latitude. It was turned off.

    I probably put in 3+ hours over several days trying to figure this out.

    Damn I'm awesome! :cool NOT!

    Thanks for the suggestions lbmest. Your suggestion to call IT got me there.
  4. lbmest

    lbmest MajorGeek

    Damn, it has to be turned on to work? I never would have thunk it.;)
    Glad you got it sorted, you did the work.

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