Laptop turns on but is nonresponsive.

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by humble4now, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. humble4now

    humble4now Private E-2

    Ok I have a gateway w34oua model. When I turn it on the screen stays black. The indicator lights on the laptop flash once when it comes on but they go out afterwards. The power light is the only one that stays on.

    There is a noise that comes from the laptop which I guess it the cpu, I don't think the fan is on. I don't feel any heat coming from the side thou. I have repeated the ram, but that didn't help.

    I'm thinking about taking it apart and reconnecting everything I heard the might work. Has any had this problem before?
  2. Caliban

    Caliban I don't need no steenkin' title!

    Greetings, humble4now, and welcome to MajorGeeks...

    Couple of quick suggestions:

    1. If you have a discrete monitor available, try plugging it in to your laptop, see if there's any indication or change in symptoms.

    2. Make sure no peripheral devices (mouse, printer, external drive, etc. - especially USB) are plugged in when starting the machine.

    3. Try pulling the laptop battery and starting the machine with just AC power to see if there's a change in symptoms.

    4. Upon startup tap the <F1> or <F2> keys to see if you can enter the machine's BIOS setup (doubtful from the symptoms that you have described, but worth a shot anyway).


    The CPU doesn't (normally) make any sound, so it's possible that the noise you hear is the fan attempting to spin - you might try blowing out any dust that you can. If you feel confident about taking any panels off, then do so to re-seat any connections and to clean the fan if possible - just be careful.

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