lexmark x3350: wheres my software

Discussion in 'Software' started by fidel, Jan 21, 2006.

  1. fidel

    fidel Private E-2

    im trying to make t-shirts and im missing the software to do so..where is it?

  2. Novice

    Novice MajorGeek

    If your printer's bundled software didn't specifically include a T-shirt making program or wasn't included as a part of the printer purchase, then you will have to buy it!

    You can design transfers with a lot of programs, but will need to reverse the image to get any text to print correctly. Hope this helps!:)
  3. fidel

    fidel Private E-2

    according to the user's guide booklet the lexmark x3300 should come with the "all in one center"..i wonder where could it be :confused:
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Which printer do you actually have?

    Thread title
    above quote and attached image is of the x3300

    do you have the supplied driver & software CD? Lexmark Imaging Studio is that on the CD?

    plus dependant on country of origin some manufacturers reserve the right to change or alter specifications and/or software included.. so it maybe wise to email Lexmark support in your region for info.
  5. fidel

    fidel Private E-2

    my users guide booklet has x3300 on it..and the box has x3350.....i installed the software and the imaging studio software is no where in site

    Attached Files:

  6. AbbySue

    AbbySue MajorGeeks Administrator

    What is the model number on the printer?
  7. fidel

    fidel Private E-2

    4479-001 is the model number

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