Logitech G15 (2008 Version)

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by mcadam, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    Anyone else got one of these?

    I ordered one and it came today - beautiful keyboard. Keystrokes are nice, can change the light settings and assignable macros are easy to do. Plenty of plugins available for the screen too!

  2. Core2Conroe

    Core2Conroe Private E-2

    how does it stack up to these?


    or the Tarantula?

    I'm kind of stuck between the three....
  3. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    I went for the Logitech because I have the older model G5 mouse - the orange and black (so it goes well together lol).

    I also trust Logitech as a reputable brand and have never had problems.

    Plus this was on offer at aria.co.uk and I preferred the design. That Razer doesn't have as many programmable keys also.
  4. Core2Conroe

    Core2Conroe Private E-2

    cool cool... trust me, I'm a Logitech dude too... love their stuff.. but I have just preferred Razer mice over Logitech....
  5. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    I'm still yet to use my G5 - it arrived faulty :( Apparently this is a common fault.
  6. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    Id go with the Saitek Eclipse 2 over those razer keyboards. [​IMG] their keys are too laptop-ish for me. I like my keys nice and fat ;) Wow McA, that is one sexy *** keyboard. I still love my eclipse (the original) though :p Plus blue goes better with my setup. That is definitely going to be my next keyboard though, wow

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