Looking for advice on web browsers

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Pozzydrive, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. Pozzydrive

    Pozzydrive Corporal


    Having never moved away from IE 6, I am now looking for an alternative, so would like to get advice from anyone who has used different web browsers:
    - What in your opinion is the best and why?
    - What hangups/problems are there with other browsers?
    - Is there anything I need to tweak on other browsers, as I've changed some settings on IE 6 to suit my own security needs after reading various articles on the subject.
    - Any further developments on Chrome, e.g. with the issue of gathering personal information or at least I think that it had something to do with that particular subject.
  2. KingSteve

    KingSteve MajorGeek

    I just use firefox. havent had any problems with it. nothing much to add to that...

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