Looking for "Shoot em Up" games

Discussion in 'Software' started by Ace McCool, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. Ace McCool

    Ace McCool Private E-2

    I am not normally a big game player, but I do have a Logitech Extreme 3D pro joystick that I use to play a few flight combat games I own every once in a while. You know, when the snow drifts get up past your ears and the winds are 45 below. Anyway, every know and then I would just like a simple "shootem up" type game. Maybe a simple tank game or such, arcade style, where the game graghics just move to you. You get to blow stuff up and more keeps coming to shoot at. I have looked to purchase such games everywhere, and everything is top end stuff, no simple type staight shooter stuff. I have also looked on the net and only find trials and free stuff with strings attached. I do not trust allot of what I see on the net in terms of safe to download.
    So heres my question:
    Does anyone know of "safe sites" on the net to get free simple games to download that would play with my Logitech. I have played the games on Geeks site, they are fun, but you cant use your joystick to interact with the game. Any tips would be appreciated. :) :)
  2. karterjr

    karterjr Private E-2

    well most any game (CDrom) can use a joystick (this is a PAD right not a FLying Stick?)
    just go into the options and controls... If it is a stick it will be hard for you to play FirstPS
    Some good games: there are some good flash games at bigboys.com and if you get a download mananger you can set it so it auto. downloads the flash games instead of just loading then from the site. Um there is Well doom1/2 (might use a joy..?) Quake1/2.(i am amost certan uses a joy)and ..some of the old dos games are kewl like "tanks" i think it's called. or astroieds. Some games that u can buy cheapo are one of the mechwarrior 1/2/3 (Great with stick) (4 has hi grafix and such). but alot of the oldies are good for just destroyin lots of stuff. (missle command)

  3. thegrinch

    thegrinch Private E-2

    try game sites/ forum sites that specialise in games. they usually provide trustworthy demos etc. and they may have links to sites that have straight forward no strings attached games. what about those arcade packs? you can get some cd's with hundreds of simple arcade games. a lot of them are trash. but some are good.

    good luck
  4. Ace McCool

    Ace McCool Private E-2

    hello Matt,
    I am using a flying type joystick for any gaming. I have shopped around for basic arcade style games, and have found only crap. I am looking for something better than astoroids. I guess I would discribe it as maybe the next generation up the ladder.

    Hello Grinch.
    I am shopping around for CD's that would have the older games. I don't mind buying something that have a lot of trash, so long as their is one or too games that I like on it as well, and the price is right.

    In conclusion:
    I will keep searching the net as well as the stores for stuff. I will check out bigboys.com and see what is there.
    I am still open to anyone else that wants to post advice. I can always use all the help I can get!!! :cool: :cool:

    Thanks for your help everyone. Geeks rule. :) :) :)
  5. Ace McCool

    Ace McCool Private E-2

    Just went to bigboys.com. They are a snowmobile dealership selling Artic Cat machines. Confused :confused: :confused: I know I live in Canada, but I dont need a snowmobile. Already have a dog team and Katamic!! :p :p :p
  6. nugget

    nugget Private E-2

    Think the site you want is big-boys.com (you need the hyphen in there).
  7. Ace McCool

    Ace McCool Private E-2

    Thanks. Got it. The sub zero temps are freezing the brain. :p :eek:

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