Low disk question

Discussion in 'Software' started by navyvet, Dec 1, 2005.

  1. navyvet

    navyvet Specialist

    While dowloading a program today, I noticed that popup that said I have low disk space and should remove some programs. I have checked the add/remove and most all items listed there are used by my cp except for the following:

    Many hot fix and for windows xp d/l's
    Security d/ls

    I wonder if any of those can be safely deleted.

  2. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Sure, they can be removed, if you want to remove security and bugfixes.

    Leave them be. They don't show a use timer because they aren't applications.
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    What size Hard Drive do you have and how much free space is left?

    could well be time for a larger/second HD to be installed.
  4. navyvet

    navyvet Specialist

    Hello Halo, good to hear from you.
    Capacity 196 gb's>>>free space 232 mb's 11percent free space

    Been trying to get my son over here, he built this cp for me run winxp.

    While I got ya if you remember some post back I talked to you about real audio files, I can now report that I am able with the use of dbpowerAMP converter that I can now d/l ram, ra and other files to my cp. I have been able to convert those songs while they are being played. I have installed nero express smartstart and have been able thru trial and error to burn cd's from those files. This is one of the reasons for low disk space, I installed an update to nero 6 which took well over 2hrs to d/l.

    I think I know the answer the answer but always like to check.

  5. Runner789

    Runner789 Private E-2

    Wow! You need to clean off some files to allow room for the system to work. If not, you definitely need a second HD.
  6. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Java, yep good to hear you have got the RAM/RA files all sorted :)

    WOW... you must have a serious amount of files on your HD? IF alot of files are music and data that can be burned to CD/DVD I would do that to free up HD space as at some point the OS will give up and you will start with some random crashed as the swap file amongst other items will not have enough space to work.

    if you have XP ( and you will have to remind me of the Windows version you are using ) then we can help to a small degree and free up some space, for example System Restore of a 250gb HD will have a default setting of iirc 10% of drive size so that woudl be nearly 25gb, I've never thought of a situation that you'd need that amount of restore points.. only a few are really needed so I'd adjust the slider for Restore Size to 1% ... also System Restore suspends itself when HD space goes under 200mb so if you had a problem you wouldnt have a current RS point only an old one.

    another app to use and one you may have heard mentioned here alot of times is CCleaner http://www.majorgeeks.com/download4191.html as it allows you to easily remove old temp/internet files etc
  7. navyvet

    navyvet Specialist

    Thanks for you help Halo!!

    Cdrive 20percent(400mb) slider is at max
    Ddrive 20percent(400mb) slider is at max
    Edrive 23percent(400mb) slider is at max

    Note on sys restore, "decreasing disk space may reduce the number of available restore points".

    Running winXPpro versions 2002 sp2--intel pentium 111 processore 651 MHz - 192 mb of Ram.

    I have installed Ccleaner which I every week.

    All my program d/ls are run to drive except for the runs that automatically go to drive C.

    Looking at my add/remove I see come that might be able to come off.

    Adobe reader v7.0 udate 67.23mb
    jsze Runtime enviorment 5.0 update update 118mb
    Nero oem 52.96 mb
    Real alternative 16.50

    As you can see adobe and jsze are the big timers, I do not use adobe that much and am not to sure what jsze portion is used, also on neo and ra are items I use everyday.

    I have a lot of dmpower amp in there but their mbs are small.

    I do have a fair amount of files stored in drive d.

    Will wait until I hear from you before I do anything and again thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2005
  8. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Sorry to jump in Halo, but you could also delete the $NtUninstall folders in C:\Windows, but that means you also won't be able to uninstall any patches or Service Packs.

    Only do this if you aren't having any issues, however, they aren't that large really, usually about 150 MB with all current critical patches.

    Personally, I'd leave them alone, but that's up to you.

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