low size video format

Discussion in 'Software' started by hankyknot, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. hankyknot

    hankyknot Corporal

    I am trying to set up a webcam to record which users use a specific PC in order to identify who is deliberately deleting company files but I'm struggling to find an app that uses a sensible amount of space for recording.

    I tried the standard software that came with the cam and it uses AVI format. Problem is the 1 hour test I did used nearly 15Gb of drive space. As I will either need to record 24 hours at a time and then compress while recording the second 24 hours or record then compress 5 days of data the hard drive requirements are a little excessive.

    Does anyone know a program that works with most webcams that will record in a smaller file format?
  2. okietechnician

    okietechnician Private E-2

    I have tried this program, don't use it very often-you can google it-the copy i have was free d/l-can't rember where i found it

    Argus Surveillance DVR

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