Macro symbol in the path string

Discussion in 'Software' started by m79vest36, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. m79vest36

    m79vest36 Corporal

    I don't know if I've expressed this right but I can't delete a file that was created in microsoft word. I believe the file was not closed properly or saved corrrectly, however the document's path is C:/Documents & Settings/ name/~$ Radish Recipes. I've seen this before & the file is dimmed. The little macro symbo with the dollar sign mean something in a string value, I think. I've tried what I know & can't get the thing deleted so it dosen't show up anymore when files are opened in word. Some suggestions? Thanks
  2. Mada_Milty

    Mada_Milty MajorGeek

    You've almost got the right idea here. Microsoft Word automatically creates backup of any file that is open for editing, so that you can revert if you find you don't like your changes. This backup (denoted by the dollar sign) also lets other users who might try to open the file at the same time know that the file is locked by another. (Having more than one person trying to make changes at the same time leads to trouble) The file is "dimmed" because it is normally hidden, and you must have configured Windows to show hidden files. This is a normal occurance, and shouldn't alarm you if you've got word documents open.
  3. m79vest36

    m79vest36 Corporal

    Thankyou Mada, with your answer I was able to solve the problem. Have a good day.:)

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