Macromedia Flash - Saving

Discussion in 'Software' started by sarge222, Jan 5, 2006.

  1. sarge222

    sarge222 Private E-2

    I hope this is the right place to ask this question. Since it is software related. I assume this would be the right place.

    I did a search before I posted this, so hopefully I am not asking something already ask and I just missed it. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to a flash ripper that would allow me to download a Macromedia Game that is on a website? If that is not what I am looking for then could you possibly tell me what it is that I am looking for? I tried the Arty Flash Ripper but it won't grab Macromedia Flash.

    I really enjoy this little game and would like to be able to play it in a more full screen version so I can see better.

    Thanks for any help in advance!
  2. techsalong

    techsalong Guest

    Can you post a link to the game (file) so that we can see if we can nab it?
  3. dedknight

    dedknight Private E-2

    one method that works sometimes is to save the webpage as complete then you can just file >> open the .swf and play it (in firefox i have done this many times).
  4. sarge222

    sarge222 Private E-2

  5. sarge222

    sarge222 Private E-2

    Something I figured out is that it is a .dcr file....

    Anyway to pull that off the server and convert it to a swf file or at least to something I can play without going to the the lego server?

    UKARMYCADET Corporal

  7. sarge222

    sarge222 Private E-2

    Thanks UKARMYCADET, except this isn't a normal swf flash type of file. Apparently this one runs off of a server and is in a .dcr format. I was able to get the .dcr file out of my cache and I can click it to run the program just fine. But if I am not connected to the net it doesn't run, that tells me it is pulling something from the lego website in order to run completely. The .dcr file itself is 1.7 MB in size, so I know most of the file is there, but it's still getting something from the site. I just wish I could convert it to a .swf file and be done with it or something. I'm just not real sure whats going on at this point. Hopefully someone will come along here, and fill me in.
  8. techsalong

    techsalong Guest

    Your computer can't run anything or view anything unless you first download it and it's "on" your computer, right? Your computer has to have all data that it is using or viewing.

    This might not work because of pointers or other issues, but it's worth a try. You could save that .dcr file to a new folder, and then manually clear your temp internet files in Docs and settings > your user name > local settings > Temp internet. Don't trust -
    Tools > internet options in IE. Then directly run your saved file and anything new that appears in the temp folder is likely to be the rest of what you need. If all are saved to the same folder, it "might" run.

    Sometimes right-clicking on a file and choosing "copy" and then going elsewhere and pasting it will work.

    A site can cause a file to delete after it's used so if that happens, you might have to save or copy or whatever you can do while the flash is open. You might have to go to the extreme of temporarily turning off the windows file protection system to defeat the "can't change/delete/move because the file is in use" error message. Depends on how badly you want to get everything to see if it will even run.

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