Mail Notifier Problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by Alex30, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. Alex30

    Alex30 Private First Class

    I am using DynAdvance mail notifier which works great on my XP computer.
    When I click on read mail it will take me into my in box of Yahoo mail or AOL depending on which I selected.
    I also have a Vista PC and although DynAdvance alerts me of mail arriving in either box when I click on read Yahoo mail it takes me inside the Yahoo box but when I ask it to read AOL mail it takes me into an empty Windows Mail box so I have to manually access my AOL box.
    I have looked into the option of changing the email default to AOL but can't find a way to do this. AOL never appears as an option.
    The other way I considerd was setting AOL to forward all mail to Yahoo but I can't sort this either.
    Does anyone have any ideas ?
    I would like an email notifier that also takes you inside your box when requested and which works with AOL.

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