Make pdf documents free?

Discussion in 'Software' started by mikey1120, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. mikey1120

    mikey1120 Private E-2

    Hello, I'm trying to create a pdf document for people with Adobe Reader/Acrobat to be able to read, but I do not have a copy of Acrobat. Is there another way to create this? Or what would be the best free way to create a booklet consisting of several different jpg files? I'm trying to create this booklet to mail to others. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
  2. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

    Last edited: Feb 5, 2005
  3. whicky1978

    whicky1978 Staff Sergeant

    I was about to post the same thing. I am looking to make free PDF documents as well.

    Here is what I found, but it requires you to download 2 different softwares (free). I am looking for something simpler.
  4. whicky1978

    whicky1978 Staff Sergeant

    So, i just print to the PDF printer? Where does the files show up?
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Yes and up should pop a save to dialogue box so you can choose your location to save the pdf.... btw which one of these apps are you using?
  6. whicky1978

    whicky1978 Staff Sergeant

    I'm using MS document imaging to scan to a TIF file.
  7. whicky1978

    whicky1978 Staff Sergeant

    Sweet, it worked.
  8. whicky1978

    whicky1978 Staff Sergeant

    Didn't work.

    It didn't work. When I opended the file, it looked like a really bad photocopy that was ripped out of the inside of the machind :confused:
  9. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

  10. whicky1978

    whicky1978 Staff Sergeant

    I'm currently using HP ScanJet 4100C. I am using the built in windows driver, because I bought it off of eBay, and it had not software. I'm looking to see if I can download it from thier website for free.
  11. whicky1978

    whicky1978 Staff Sergeant

    I downloaded the program, but when I go to open it and click the readme file, nothing happens.
  12. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    what/who are you responding to?
    For the pdf program I posted you use it when you go to printer a file select it as your printer and a save as dialog comes up... then you have a pdf.
    Here is a more direct link
    .7.1 is a full release the .8 is a patch
  13. whicky1978

    whicky1978 Staff Sergeant

    Ok, I've installed it, but when I tried to print my TIF file, nothing happens. I don't get a dialog box. I only see 1 doc. pending in the system tray.
  14. whicky1978

    whicky1978 Staff Sergeant

    The 995 software works well, if not perfectly. You just get a pop up adverstisement. If you pay for a PDF converter key, it is only $9.95.
  15. mikey1120

    mikey1120 Private E-2

    I found this yesterday and it works great... does what I need it to do and have no problems with it or any advertisements. It is a free version, so it doesn't have a limit to it's usage. I make booklets containing about 8 jpg files, and I just use powerpoint to make an 8 page slideshow, then print it as a pdf and read it with Adobe Reader. That way the picture quality is not degraded like if I use Microsoft Word to do it.
  16. whicky1978

    whicky1978 Staff Sergeant

    I tried those other softwares, but they did not work with TIF images on my laptop.
  17. QuickSilver

    QuickSilver Corporal

    Apparently Microsoft Word has a premium option which allows you to do it (that is you pay extra) but I was amazed to see that OpenOffice does it also for free. OpenOffice as I'm sure most of you guys are aware is the Open Source suite of Office Applications which is a damn good rival to MS Office but has the added benefit of being under the GNU license and available on a multitude of platforms (not just Windows).
    The Word Processor works a lot like Word and offers I believe most of the same functional capability as well as a good degree of interoperability. However the interoperability isn't quite perfect.
    As for the pdf generation - my experience with it thus far has been spot on.

    Check out the open office webiste ( for more details.

    Comes with my stamp of approval :)

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