Memory Modules not Working

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Hcour, Sep 30, 2005.

  1. Hcour

    Hcour Private E-2

    Hello. I have an ECS K7S5A motherboard w/a SIS 735 chipset, AMD Athlon XP 1700 processor. I was running 2 256k memory modules in my system, Accubyte brand. One went bad so I'm now down to one 256k module. I can't find Accubyte brand anywhere, I think they're out of business.

    I've tried installing other brands, using 1 512k memory module. When I put in the new memory module, the system goes thru the boot-up process fine, until it gets to the point where Win XP should start up. I then get an error msg that file "System 32/Drivers/Ntfs.sys" is missing or corrupt and the system just sits there. When I take out the new memory module and put in the old one, it boots into XP just fine. I've tried generic, Samsung, and Micron modules, same results.

    My BIOS is ver 1.21.05. Memory is PC2100 266Mhz DDR 184PIN DIMM.

  2. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    Your mother board may not support 512 in one slot. I know some older boards don't.
  3. Hcour

    Hcour Private E-2

    It supports the 256 module in one slot, so I figured it should also the 512.

  4. Hcour

    Hcour Private E-2

    OK, never mind. The memory module is bad. Sending it back.


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