Microsoft certifications - are they worth the time/money?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Cturtle, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. Cturtle

    Cturtle Private E-2

    Hi there everyone. I'm new to the board and was wondering what you all think about Microsoft certifications...are they worth the time, money, or effort?
    Specifically, I'm looking to start my own computer repair/maintenance business (out of my home) and was wondering if it's worth my time to get a MCP or MCDSP certification.
    (We're not Microsoft fans here at home but I think the average joe uses Windows, correct?)
    I'd appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. TIA!
  2. prometheos

    prometheos Staff Sergeant

    As a resource, you'll get tons of hardcopy documentation. If you were applying for an IT job, it would rank very high with possible employers. However, it is expensive and time consuming, and for a "home business" I'm not sure it would provide enough 'cost effectiveness' to be worth your time and money. Most, if not all, of the hard information can be garnered via the internet. The most important thing that they provide ( besides the certification ) is the excellent workshop studies. In the provided scenarios, you are presented with a "problem" for which you must seek a logical solution. This is very good training for real world trouble-shooting where the description of the problems may be vague or the problem itself, is transient. This is necessary for the high-pressure world of IT but less important in a home business.:)
  3. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    But often times people want a certified repair person, so your likely to need one anyway even if you know the stuff already, just for the paper to say, oh look im certified.
  4. Cturtle

    Cturtle Private E-2

    Thank you prometheos and colemanguy for your input. I truly appreciate it.
    I'd love to hear what anyone else has to say, as well.
    Thanks again!

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