microsoft latest update"s

Discussion in 'Software' started by NICK ADSL UK, Jul 17, 2003.


    NICK ADSL UK MajorGeeks Forum Administrator Staff Member


    Title: Buffer Overrun In RPC Interface Could Allow Code
    Execution (823980)

    Date: 16 July 2003
    Software: Microsoft(r) Windows (r) NT 4.0
    Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Services Edition
    Microsoft Windows 2000
    Microsoft Windows XP
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003
    Impact: Run code of attacker's choice
    Max Risk: Critical
    Bulletin: MS03-026

    Microsoft encourages customers to review the Security Bulletins
    Title: Unchecked Buffer in Windows Shell Could Enable System
    Compromise (821557)
    Date: 16 July 2003
    Software: Microsoft(r) Windows (r) XP
    Impact: Run code of attacker's choice
    Max Risk: Important
    Bulletin: MS03-027

    Microsoft encourages customers to review the Security Bulletins
    - - --------------------------------------------------------------
    Title: Flaw in ISA Server Error Pages Could Allow Cross-Site
    Scripting Attack (816456)
    Date: 16 July 2003
    Software: Microsoft(r) ISA Server
    Max Risk: Important
    Bulletin: MS03-028

    Microsoft encourages customers to review the Security Bulletins

    I have installed the above updates and pleased to report that they have caused no problem to the computer whatsoever
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2003
  2. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    Just to support Nick's report: I, too, have installed them both and have no problems. I have all of the "critical updates" to date installed.

    The count is now up to 6 for other updates for XP that I have elected NOT to install, simply because I don't need them and won't use them, and there is no security compromise involved in not having them.
    :) :D :) :D :)
  3. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    thanks for the heads up :)
  4. dperino

    dperino Capt. Caveman

    Hmm,, after the latest updates, I can't open the device manager. The window comes up blank, and just stays there. If I click the X, it gives me the "Program not responding" box.
  5. †T-Rex †

    †T-Rex † Specialist

    To confirm Wisewiz's findings, I've gone through Microsoft's database for more information on all the updates for Windows XP Home that they have released, and found that many of them don't even apply to stand-alone, home computers. I installed them anyway, though... basically because they fix bugs in the code that may affect something else.

    NICK ADSL UK MajorGeeks Forum Administrator Staff Member

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