Microsoft Office 200 Premium

Discussion in 'Software' started by Joxer, Feb 25, 2008.

  1. Joxer

    Joxer Private E-2

    I use XP and Office 2000. I keep getting a pop-up which says 'Installing Microsoft Office 2000 Premium' . I cancel it but it is proving difficult to get rid of and freezes the application (always Outlook - I think) until it finally disappears. Any ideas how I can kill this thing off for keeps?
    Thanks very much,
  2. sosaman

    sosaman Sergeant Major

    are you getting the popup from your program, or are you getting the popup from websites that you are visiting (mostly ie, netscape does better)? i have seen that popup from a few "shady sites" (ie. gambling, etc.) i've been too. i'm not saying that's the case just trying to get more info. also, if you have auto preview (something like that) in outlook set, and you click on an e-mail (like from an unknown person), that could also be doing it? g/l, sos
  3. Joxer

    Joxer Private E-2

    Thanks Sos - it occurs when I am using Outlook and generally when I open an email - the emails are all of the standard run of the mill variety.

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