microsoft update symbol

Discussion in 'Software' started by postman1, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. postman1

    postman1 Private E-2

    cant seem to get rid of the update symbol even after l have downloaded the new update
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    What Windows version have you got installed?

    Have you rebooted as many updates need a reboot?

    If you click the update symbol what update is being listed (will be a KBxxxxxxx where xxx is a number) as new or what message is shown?
  3. postman1

    postman1 Private E-2

    windows xp
    the same one that l previoused did
  4. postman1

    postman1 Private E-2

  5. postman1

    postman1 Private E-2

    can anyone help me
  6. iwunderdownunder

    iwunderdownunder First Sergeant

    the update that is trying to install is a security update for windows media player 11 do you have this version or an earlier one.
    i have read else where of other people having the same remedy this error they have uninstalled wmp 11 and reinstalled a fresh could try going into the software distribution folder located in local disk c windows folder,once in there locate the download folder open then delete everything with in this ccleaner and scan and fix any issues,you may have to scan more than once to completely remove any issues.
    then just allow windows update to download the update again.hope this helps have a good Christmas.
  7. postman1

    postman1 Private E-2

    cant seem to find that folder
  8. postman1

    postman1 Private E-2

    found it and fixed it ,so far so good.seemed like a file was damaged

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