Mild discomfort down my spine ;/

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by Pygm4li0n, May 16, 2008.

  1. Pygm4li0n

    Pygm4li0n Private E-2

    Greetings my dear fellow philanthropists! ;)

    You helped me a great deal once, so I hope you can do it again..

    Few days ago, my firefox browser started to refuse to load the, in fact it loads the login page, but then lingers forever on the next step stating; "waiting for the" or "Transferring data from the" First I thought it's something with their server, or my ISP, but then I learned that all my friends that are on the same ISP aren't having similar problems what so ever. I thought it might be my wireless internet rooter, but with my Laptop connected wireless upon the same rooter everything's coming up roses, while parallel on my Main rig, it loads n' loads forever ;( Only way I can get into the FB is over the, and even then my possibilities are very limited - example; I can not click upon any app or send any msg. I think I already tried everything.. even few of the Chaslang's advices from the other thread, with dns flush, turning off n' on my modem/rooter, doing CCleaner up n' down, cleaning the registry n' what not.. Then Paranoia got the best of me ! So I did all your read n' run procedure and here are the logs..

    maybe I could note that before I began with the Major removal Process, I fully scanned my system with Spybot, Avast, then even PrevX, all reported zero threats, only Spybot did find some Micros*ft.wind* reg value, but that was in the second scan during your meticulous procedure.

    I know this probably isn't malware issue, but still, better safe then worry ;O
    I won't be online for two days, so I guess I'm not in the rush, plus I kinda hate facebook :)) so I'm not really sure is it a curse or a blessing..

    Thank you ;)

    Attached Files:

  2. Pygm4li0n

    Pygm4li0n Private E-2

    and here are the MGsupertools logs..

    Attached Files:

  3. abri

    abri MajorGeek

    Hi Pygm4li0n,
    Welcome to Major Geeks!

    I have some questions. Did you put the files/folders in the box below in your computer? There are two folders: exebitionism and fecesbook candidates. If you don't recognize them, please open them and tell me what's in them. Do not click on any files.

    The other two are links to files. Please right click on C.lnk and F.lnk and tell me where they go to. You can click on the pathway so by using the left and right arrows you can see the whole thing.
    And now, please delete the following if it's still there:

    "C:\Documents and Settings\$nuffy\Local Settings\Temp\"
    th19jjf1.exe May 17 2008 629675 "th19jjf1.exe"

  4. Pygm4li0n

    Pygm4li0n Private E-2

    Hi Abri !

    exebitionism and fecesbook are just two folders I made on my desktop, for some pictures I was planing to put on facebook.. nothing fishy about them really, except their names :-D I guess..

    I just deleted the exe file you asked :major

    after two days offline, facebook still doesn't load :confused

    having any other ideas ?

    I'm beginning to look at this situation as Divine intervention :-D They say fb is proving to be addictive, so guess I'm kinda denied the drugs lol
  5. abri

    abri MajorGeek

    Hi Pmgm4li0n,

    I don't think this is a malware problem. Please post in either the Networking or Gaming Forum where you'll get more feedback than you can get here.

    Sorry this didn't help.
  6. Pygm4li0n

    Pygm4li0n Private E-2

    Thx anyway man ;)

    as I said maybe it's for the best :D

    I'll try my luck in the networking department..
  7. abri

    abri MajorGeek

    You're welcome!
    Let us know how things turn out.

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