Mobile phone as a Web cam

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by AliWiseman, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. AliWiseman

    AliWiseman Private First Class

    I've just picked up a v220 motorola.. got the mp3 ringtones working, sorted the pictures et al.. but now i want to know if i can use it via the usb connection as a web cam. Im sure there has to be a way to do it, as i've used various normal digital cams as a web cam, so i cant see why there would be a difference.

    System is XP pro based so should in theory allow it. If anyone else has managed it id be greatful if they could instruct me what it is i need.

    Cheers :)

  2. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    I think you'd have to have the phone in camera mode all the time on the phone, I don't know have never tried it but it could work in theory, as you said.
    Why not look around on the net, try googling it, looking on the motorola website, motorola forums etc.
  3. AliWiseman

    AliWiseman Private First Class

    Yup.. i'm doing just that lol. Was impressed how quickly i got the things o needed to get my mp3 as a ringtone, and transfer my pics to pc etc. :)

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