MOHAA playing screen problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by natsm0kr, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. natsm0kr

    natsm0kr Private E-2

    I am new here and I hope you guys can help. I also hope this is a simple problem that I just can't figure out. Have been playing MOHAA SH for months with no problem. I was in an online game and the screen started blinking - looked like a glitch on the server. So I disconnected from the game and relaunched. When I started MOH again it looked like this.


    The playing area is reduced to about 3 inches across. All movies, config screens and start screens are full sized. Just when the playing starts this what happens.

    Any searches I do on screen size/resize just bring me to pages about playing full screen vs windowed.

    I have rebooted the PC and checked my video settings. Please help. This is really bugging me.
  2. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    did u try reinstalling it?
  3. jedandjess

    jedandjess Private First Class

    ROFL harsh - I used to play Doom on a screen the size of a postage stamp in 1994 becuase I couldn't afford a 486DX2 chip at the time.

    Try pressing the + key a few times, or try deleting the .cfg file in the game directory and re-launching the game. :)

    or... like Viper said re-install it but keep your savegame directory safe.
  4. natsm0kr

    natsm0kr Private E-2

    Thanks for the replies. I did a restore point repair in XP to the day before this occured. I hadn't changed or installed anything else so this was an easy option. That fixed the problem.


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