Monitor Reads "Invalid Scan Freq"

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Manwhore, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. Manwhore

    Manwhore Private E-2

    sorry if i have posted to the wrong area as i have not a clue if this is hardware or virus related.

    computer boots up fine until i get to my password login for XP. Then the picture becomes very distorted with blender like effect and a message from my monitor says"invalid scan freq". I can type in my password and the machine continues to finish booting. I just cant tell because of the distortion.Help please!

    160 GB HD
    P4 3.2
    2 GB RAM
    NVIDIA 5950 ULTRA 256MB
  2. A.Son

    A.Son Sergeant

    Run at safe mode, after login windows, choose displsy property->settings-> move screen resolution down (800x600) or lower-> OK ->restart your computer.
  3. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    Most likely you chose a mode that the monitor will not handle (that is why there is a check to hide modes that monitor cannot handle in display properties).

    Easy fix is to boot in [SAFE] mode, delete the display adapter along with the monitor, reboot, let WinXP find new device (monitor and Video card), load the default drivers, then you can update the drivers.

    Just word of caution, only go as high as the monitor will allow itself, and do not choose any modes that it will not handle, due to you can end up causing the monitor to no longer work.

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