Monitor smells & pops but not burning

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by johnny_chronic, Oct 13, 2011.

  1. johnny_chronic

    johnny_chronic Private E-2

    I have a CRT Sony Trinitron Multiscan 500PS that I've owned since 2001. The monitor has worked flawlessly and better than any monitor. I also know that the life on these products is relatively long after care. They normally stop working when it is the time to go unless physical damage.

    The monitor has hardly been moved, and not at all in the last 3 years. Whenever moving, care is used.

    Within the last month, I noticed I kept hearing a popping sound occasionally. I instantly thought someone damaged my monitor but I ignored it for the time being. After a month or so, the monitor emits the same smells my other broken monitors exposed to physical damage did in the past.

    The smell is metallic, it seems to be condensed, almost smelling like ozone, but nothing is burning, it isn't a burning smell. It sticks in the mouth and nose, sometimes for days, only when it's on.

    Now the smell is stronger. I have a daughter and I've read that broken monitors can lead to premature aging and cancers so I am worried about her.

    These items didn't break themselves.

    What should I do?

    <b>The Unnecessary Drama of it</b>
    I've had many of my items destroyed by my parents and they claim that they have nothing to do with it. I've lost two hard drives (maybe 3 since one is giving me problems recently with delayed write errors) and 3 monitors in the past because of them, then which, my parents deny it and call me crazy and threaten order of protection and calling a psychward on me.

    In 2010, I broke a monitor in my backyard and put it into a bag to be thrown away. The next early morning, my dad smashed the broken monitor on my window with a fan in it. My bed was on the other side of the window and I breathed in all the dust from the monitor. After, I felt nauseated, fever, just not feeling good, it felt like I had metal moving through my body for a couple days and one piece popped into the back of my left eye and I've had problems ever since. My kidneys were hurting and I remember the metallic taste for a week was horrible. I even lost a 100$ bag of herb due to contamination.

    My eye kept hurting, eye doc seen nothing, I had an MRI (I refused but docs said it was safeE) and I remember my kidneys jolting with the machine and the pain after that lasted for days.

    Now my best monitor is damaged, likely from a punch while I was gone. I am baffled on what I should do. My parents deny all of this. I was invited to stay here rent free because of school. Now they use excuses against me why they don't have to pay.

    My daughter complains often of having a stomach ache.

    Costed money
    1x500GB Sata II WD (& data)
    1x250GB IDE WD (& data)
    1xDell EM771 monitor (stunk room for weeks)
    1xOld CRT 17"
    1xSony Trinitron 500PS 21" CRT
  2. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Wow, 10 year old CRT! I'd change it as it makes smells and sounds like the insulation is breaking down in the hi voltage yoke and is arcing. I had one that blewup releasing a blue and very acrid smoke that I severely choked on. I knew it was going but ignored it. LCD's are very affordable these days.I suggest you get one before you get the blue smoke of death.
  3. gman863

    gman863 MajorGeek

    I'll go one step beyond augie: Unplug the monitor, stop using it immediately and set it outside.

    What you are describing is a potential fire hazard and a likely health hazard from the funky chemicals (PCBs, lead, etc.) contained inside the monitor.

    Many years ago, my parents' CRT TV gave off the same smells and started pouring out smoke. The TV repairman said that - had we not unplugged it immediately - it would have likely caught the plastic case on fire resulting in potentially lethal smoke.

    This is not a beatdown - just concern for your safety.
  4. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    "I've had many of my items destroyed by my parents and they claim that they have nothing to do with it. I've lost two hard drives (maybe 3 since one is giving me problems recently with delayed write errors) and 3 monitors in the past because of them, then which, my parents deny it and call me crazy and threaten order of protection and calling a psychward on me.

    In 2010, I broke a monitor in my backyard and put it into a bag to be thrown away. The next early morning, my dad smashed the broken monitor on my window with a fan in it. My bed was on the other side of the window and I breathed in all the dust from the monitor. After, I felt nauseated, fever, just not feeling good, it felt like I had metal moving through my body for a couple days and one piece popped into the back of my left eye and I've had problems ever since. My kidneys were hurting and I remember the metallic taste for a week was horrible. I even lost a 100$ bag of herb due to contamination.

    My eye kept hurting, eye doc seen nothing, I had an MRI (I refused but docs said it was safeE) and I remember my kidneys jolting with the machine and the pain after that lasted for days.

    Now my best monitor is damaged, likely from a punch while I was gone. I am baffled on what I should do. My parents deny all of this. I was invited to stay here rent free because of school. Now they use excuses against me why they don't have to pay.

    My daughter complains often of having a stomach ache."

    All righty now. Walks away whistling . rolleyes
  5. Novice

    Novice MajorGeek

  6. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    My guess is novice, that they forgot, due to the abuses they have endured. Only sad thing is, if the OP thinks everyone is going to have pity on them, it ain't going to happen.
  7. Novice

    Novice MajorGeek

    Totally agree with you brownizs! :major
  8. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Wow, two threads on the same issue.:eek Get rid of it man if you value your lives and those of your children!:confused Put it on the CC if you must.;) He hasn't been around for a while, maybe the CRT pooped out gently.:)
  9. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    Auggie, he copied and pasted the same stuff today, that is from January. I would not be surprised if he created this story on a word processor and copied it to the forum. And twice even. Now, why is it if you search with the username that the OP used, you get a hit about "Bong Water Energized Drinks".
  10. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    OUCH!:-o How the heck did it evade us for so long?:confused
  11. johnny_chronic

    johnny_chronic Private E-2

    Let it be known that none of this is copy and pasted and both threads are two different incidences. There is no need to make assumptions here, these are real problems plaguing mine and my daughter's lives.

    I understand to get rid of the monitor, otherwise, take it in for repairs. I believe I am pressing to ask, is how to go about replacing the cost of these items I own that are being damaged by my parents?

  12. Novice

    Novice MajorGeek

    Best advice that I could give would be to get a job and move out! :)
  13. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    Get a job and move out.
  14. gman863

    gman863 MajorGeek

    It would cost more to fix than buying a new flatscreen monitor.

    Newegg has LCD monitors starting @ $79; if you have a Fry's nearby they have a Benq 20" on sale for $69.
  15. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    I bought a 20" Acer widescreen at Staples for $89.98 this week.
    Walk into a few stores and see what is on special if you don't want to order by mail.
  16. johnny_chronic

    johnny_chronic Private E-2

    Thank for the responses. CRT has many advantages over LCD & LED. A new CRT replacement will be my choice. Paying for their damages out of my pocket is very frustrating. I'd like to take them to small claims court for the damages they've caused to have the monitor and HDs replaced.

    As for the CRT that I own now, even though it works fine, it smells like metal or o-zone and I'll have to sell it to someone who's interested in it or just junk it. What a bummer.

    I have a spare LCD I can use but if LCD gets damaged, the cleanup process is one which involves having special care during cleanup since LCD contains higher carcinogenic compounds. EPA recommends sending out agents to clean up these disasters.
  17. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    You can not even buy crt's these days. You can get them at second hand stores. If the LCD gets damage, yes you have a problem, but there is no one to help you with that situation. Suggest learning how to take better care of your stuff, and if you do not like how your family behavior is, suggest moving out.

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